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yu-en-me ´a man who leaves home to mend himself and others is a philosopher, .. he who goes from country to country guided by blind impulses of curiosity is .. a vagabond.´ - oliver goldsmith

the roots of scatology, arse cream, and dutch ovens

ARGENTINA | Monday, 23 July 2007 | Views [1227]

struggling up the climbs

struggling up the climbs

for those who know me as a generally happy young bunny, it won´t be too much of a surprise to find that i´ve bounced back from my recent melancholy with as much energy as before. i´m convinced that there´s nothing as invigorating and uplifting as (1) friendship, and (2) doing what you love. for me, a combination of hearing from friends via email, making new connections in Salta (the Argentine province where i am now), and setting off on more exciting travels/experiences has given me a new lust for life.
in february of this year, i met peter, a cyclist from holland, in Río Grande (south of argentina). we didn´t actually spend that much time together back then, but after a couple of conversations, i remember leaving that campsite the next day with a warm fuzzy feeling, knowing that i probably wouldn´t see him again, but quite content in knowing that there are still genuinely good people ´out there´. however, by complete coincidence, we found ourselves both in the province of Salta a week ago. now, i´ve always wanted to experiment with travel-cycling, and up until now, have never done it because i haven´t got a bike with me. but really, that´s just an excuse - the truth is, i was too chicken to do it by myself. but after a couple of hours´ catching up with peter, and comparing what we wanted to see in the area, he convinced me to cycle instead of walk the route that i was planning to do (in case you don´t remember, the photo at http://www.camdipsalta.gov.ar/INFSALTA/cuesta.htm was what caught my attention a few weeks ago, and http://www.camdipsalta.gov.ar/INFSALTA/circuito1.htm shows the circuit that we´re currently doing). for me, it was quite a spur-of-the-moment decision, and within a day, i had a borrowed bike (with problems with the rear brake, and only 4 functioning gears - more if you changed the chain manually), and nothing more than sheer enthusiasm to drive me (naive enthusiasm, but enthusiasm nonetheless!).
in the same way that i see longterm travelling as different from your standard backpacking trip (ie, making it a self-sustainable lifestyle as opposed to just ´being on holidays´), there´s also a difference between a traveller who uses a bike as his means of transport, and a cyclist who uses travelling as a way to get road to cycle on. peter is the latter. i´m only experimenting with the former. and when i´m not huffing and puffing away at relatively mild climbs, i find it quite amusing how sore and tired i get while he cruises along, maintaining his general good cheer. the highest point we climbed to was 3348masl, and i´d only be slightly exaggerating if i said that i felt completely hammered at the end of that day. think about it, australia´s highest point, Mt Kosciuszko, is at 2228masl! (see peter?, i can remember things if i want to!)
after so much time in the south, and with the glacial front that swept most of the southern hemisphere (yes! just like in australia, we also experienced snow in unusual areas, such as Buenos Aires for the first time since 1918, and Córdoba for the first time in 32 years), it´s so good to be in the north of argentina, in the sun and warmth again. although the nights can reach sub-zero (-10degrees at that highest point that i mentioned), we have glorious sunshine each day, and there *are* some warmer nights. where possible, i´ve been delighting in washing myself just as the sun goes down, or bathing in cold rivers by the light of the moon and stars. being so far away from big-city lights means that i have the entire milky way to myself, and it´s quite breathtaking to see shooting stars as i´m drying myself after a quick scamper in the water.
of course, as always, it´s also the personal contact that i cherish most. even though i´m proud to say that my privates no longer hurt when we´re bumping along washboard dirt roads, or that after a week, i´m finding it easier to be on the road for 5 or 6 hours without being totally exhausted, it´s definitely the time spent with peter, and other people along the road that makes this such a fun side-trip. although all up, peter and i won´t be spending more than 2 weeks travelling together, this doesn´t mean that we haven´t had a lot of fun together. his accent means that my addiction to ice cream has turned into an addiction for arse cream; his constant farts have lent a whole new meaning to dutch ovens (thank god his tent has *some* ventilation, even if it´s often not sufficient..); and his devotion to his girlfriend combined with my strict values r.e. fidelity means that we´re constantly proposing idiotic ideas, such as ´is it considered cheating if you stick an enlarged photo of francisca (the girlfriend) on your face and we have sex?´
but apart from such fun moments as theorising that the word ´scat´ or ´scatology´ in english is probably etymologically related to ´schaeten´ (´fart´) in dutch, we´ve also shared more meaningful moments. just as in Río Grande so many months ago, i´m sure that although it will be probably be a long time before i see him again (if at all) after we split up next week, i can leave content in the knowledge that a good friend is out there making this world a better place.
(why do all these entries turn into such sentimental sop at the end? time to end here, i think... ´til next time!)
(for more photos: 'salta' photo gallery)

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