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You Can't Ride Around With A Tiger On Your Bike One man-cub, one motorbike. And a tiger-striped poncho, just in case.

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Measuring 20m tall and 54m across, built to withstand 100kph winds, also known as the 'Gateshead Flasher' and the 'Guardian Angel of Fucking Toe-rags,' a toerag being slang for a tramp. By tramp, I'm sure they don't mean the homeless jobless bearded variety either.

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 2 November 2011 | Views [585]

Measuring 20m tall and 54m across, built to withstand 100kph winds, also known as the 'Gateshead Flasher' and the 'Guardian Angel of Fucking Toe-rags,' a toerag being slang for a tramp. By tramp, I'm sure they don't mean the homeless jobless bearded variety either.