I confess my negligence is tantamount to heinous crime. I
can’t take it any longer. For those of you expecting the usual dose of scathing
prose that appears here I apologise.
The truth is apathy breeds laziness. It appears the sole commentator
of my ramblings is a misunderstanding Vietnamese. With that who can forgive me
for keeping updates infrequent?
But dear diary…news just in. Helga S is puking her
intestines out in the bathroom as I write. After a long and weary night drinking
the gastric juices are now well and truly pouring. Poor old cleaners, they just
spent the weekend mopping the piss stained rim of the toilet bowl and now they
have to deal with this -artifacts of a Lepub dinner regurgitated for mass
As for a previous article I have made omissions. The
Vietnamese are also unhealthily obsessed with Titanic, some even purporting to
have seen it over twenty times. Quite what this does to a person remains to be
seen, but the warblings of Celine Dion make me want to neuter myself.
Oh and when they’re not creaming their little panties over
Tintin, watch out for them rubbing the billboard poster of James Cameron’s
nautical epic deep into their gashes.
Over n’ out.