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Cambodia and Vietnam 2016 A quick look at Cambodia and then visiting our favourite country, Vietnam for a 5 month stay. Look out Hoian here we come!!!


Local house with veggie patch

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 9 July 2013 | Views [335] | Comments [2]

Local house with veggie patch



I have just spent some time scrolling through your Vietnam pictures....love them....was doing research on blind massage places and somehow got onto your blog. Looks like you had a great time. We return to Vietnam every year to do volunteer work and stay in "your" cottage at Vuon Trau. Nice to see all the pictures of the staff...lovely people.

  Elaine Head May 12, 2014 8:19 AM


Hi Elaine thanks for the comments. I notice on facebook that you are in touch with the team at Vuon Trau and one day it would be good to catch up. We are currently travelling around NT / WA for 5 months and wont be going to Vietnam until next May for about 3 months. Would be good to stay in touch. Cheers Wendy

  wendyandkevin May 13, 2014 2:29 PM

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