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The world according to Kiwis and Aussies (written by a Pom!) This is about my life in the last 12 months, travelling and seeing the world- or more specifically seeing a small area of South Island NZ ( I'll tell you all about the adventures I've already had cos I've just about finished in NZ now!)and the locals that inhibit this beautiful part of the world...(Don't worry guys I'm talking about the dairy cows as a rule!)


There are [0] photos and [1] story tagged with "Party time".

A message for the locals

NEW ZEALAND | Thursday, 8 Mar 2007 | Views [705]

Hey everyone, Can you all believe its a week since my little leaving celebration at the world famous (well it will be by the time I've told everyone I meet going to NZ to pop in for a handle...!) Silverstream Hotel? I just love that place, from the jukebox, ... Read more >

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