As you will see from all my posts it´s not like I´ve been getting bored on my travels but I would say that after 3weeks on my todd I was starting to get a little lonely. I decided it was time to try out this couch surfing phenomenon which I´d decided sounded a little crazy and some what dangerous: you sign up to a website make your profile and then request to sleep on the couch of some complete stranger as you pass through their neighbourhood. It was for this reason I hadn´t yet got involved but I kept hearing good reports and where better than San Diego which has a thriving community of these strange creatures who meet every Tuesday night for what they term 'Tipsy Tuesday'.
It was time to get out of my comfort zone and go and talk to strangers in a bar, I was really nervous. I entered the bar and sidled towards what seemed to be a big group of people, then timidly chose the nicest looking person on the sidelines of the crowd to enquire if she was a couchsurfer and the rest is history.
Nicole instantly took charge spun me off to be introduced to Jessica and then between them they solicited me in meeting a lot of fascinating people from all walks of life. At some point during the course of the evening I found myself signed up to a pool party the following night and then Mexico for wine tasting and surfing over the weekend. I´ve now been out every night and not only that but I´ve slept on the worlds most comfortable couch and have been really looked after by Jessica and Nicole as they´ve shown me their city of San Diego. First up was the pool party, BBQ and Jacuzzi night at Nicole´s in Oceanside, then the street fair followed by a day out at La Jolla Coves, Seal watching with Jessica all before the weekend in Mexico with Nicole and a small group of other couch surfers.

With regards to Mexico I had been scared off by everyone saying how dangerous it was so I was surprised to find roads in good condition, very friendly locals and none of the dodgy corrupt military stops and gun wielding drug lords I´d been led to believe filled Mexico. The border was really easy to cross, they even sell drive thru insurance just before!! We did have the van checked on the way over but one look at the two giggling girls in the front and I think the border control police thought it would be easier to waves us through......we did get a smile when we asked if he´d like to come to the beach with us. At the border on the way back the most hassle we had was from all the vendors trying to sell us cold drinks and tasty treats which to be honest given the sweltering heat wasn´t actually a bad idea (and the vendors were extremely dedicated running up the road with items as we shuffled along)
The roads up to Ensenada are all pretty well maintained and we didn´t encounter any of the corrupt military/police check points. In fact the wine territories as you´d imagine where all beautifully manicured and maintained. We didn´t quite get to taste as many wines as intended but we did find a lovely winery high up on the slopes with fantastic views out over the valley. Not to be disappointed Eric who was with us from San Diego had been advised by some previous couch surfing contacts that there was a wine festival going on in the town of Ensenada. This thriving event of music, theatre and wine tasting with what seemed to be the entire town in attendance more than made up for the disappointments of earlier in the day. Only somewhat marred by the fear that we had no where to sleep yet, Nicole and I weren´t too bothered as we had the plush comfort of El Presidente but Eric´s Couch surfer from Switzerland didn´t seem too keen on crashing in the car on a Saturday night in the town centre. After a little driving around, encountering a distinctly closed highway controlled by lots of police we found a little camp site and put our heads to rest.

Sunday we woke early and headed up the coast on my forecast recommendations towards a surf spot known as K58 La Fonda. Here we scored a nice little surf even though it barrels really fast onto the beach so I have some wicked bruises as per normal after I got pasted a lot!! Our next mission was to track down ´Coco Camarons´ that Nicole had eaten previously in Mexico and was adamant we needed to try these!! We did track them down and after negotiating with the machete wielding Mexican lady we satiated our hunger with these delicious coconuts filled up with mango, cucumber, tamrind and sea foods of varying kinds (mainly prawns hence coco camarones!!). Originally I was going to part company with the crew here and head back to Ensenada where I´d found a local couch surfer offering to show me the town and a shower, however the forecast was dropping and Nicole was very keen that I should experience a thing known as ´City Fest´ in the gay capitol of San Diego.......all I shall say about this is lot´s of semi naked men dancing to music in the street....and leave you with some pictures ;-)