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Travel Thailand by bike, cause what else is there to do? SE Asia bike tour launching January 14, 2015 in BKK

ending this journey.....

USA | Saturday, 14 Mar 2015 | Views [283]

14 March    We're feeling very cozy and at home in Nongkhai. We purchased our train tickets for Monday night to go to Bangkok in the overnight train. We went for second class sleeper seats and I'm excited to see if I can sleep on the ... Read more >

Photos: Lao (People's Democratic Republic)

LAOS | Tuesday, 3 Mar 2015 | Photo Gallery

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Lao PDR (please don't rush!) updated!!

LAOS | Monday, 2 Mar 2015 | Views [374]

3 March @ 9pm So we made a last minute decision to take a bus from Chiang Rai to our desired starting town in Lao - Luang Prabang. We left Sunday around noon and finally pulled into Luang Prabang bus station at 5 am this morning - about 18 hours later! ... Read more >

Thailand, take two.. (updated, heading to Lao tomorrow - we hope!)

THAILAND | Monday, 9 Feb 2015 | Views [422] | Comments [1]

We arrived back in Thailand via a cheap Air Asia flight on Saturday evening. Chiang Mai is a lovely city, once you get out of the tourist/backpacker area in the old city. The flower festival was this weekend so a nice guest house was hard to find. We ... Read more >

Photos: Burma

MYANMAR | Monday, 2 Feb 2015 | Photo Gallery

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Burma superstar! (updated by L)

MYANMAR | Monday, 2 Feb 2015 | Views [423] | Comments [2]

January 30 @ 1129 Welcome to Burma!! (I apologise for the formatting of these entries! This is a terrible site for journaling and I don't recommend it at all!) We got up at seven to truck it over the border to Burma this ... Read more >

funny things we want to remember...

USA | Wednesday, 21 Jan 2015 | Views [332]

A man in BKK on his motorbike with 8-9 mos old baby,  bottle in man's back pocket, manuevering through bumper to bumper traffic   The shows on the english channels are: "tricked," millionaire matachmaker, cupcake wars,  and BBC news ... Read more >

Our Route (updated by Joe)!

THAILAND | Wednesday, 21 Jan 2015 | Views [352]

Jan 19 - Monday - We left  Bangkok for Ayutthaya  after picking up our passports from the Myanmar embassy on Monday afternoon.  We had to take a train that had a cargo car attached so we didn't leave until about 7pm.  The 2 hour ... Read more >

Tags: cycling routes

Thailand - On the road again....! (updated by L)

THAILAND | Tuesday, 20 Jan 2015 | Views [362]

Tuesday January 20 We left Bangkok yesterday via train to a town that was the former capital of Thailand called Ayutthaya. We biked from there this morning to our stop for the night, Ang Thong.  We found a guesthouse here and had a lovely dinner ... Read more >

Bangkok update

USA | Saturday, 17 Jan 2015 | Views [322]

Ah Bangkok. We are slowly getting the hang of this place. I’ve been more jetlagged than Joe. We are twelve hours ahead so it ... Read more >

Photos: Thailand

THAILAND | Thursday, 15 Jan 2015 | Photo Gallery

Arrived January 14, 2015
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We've arrived!

THAILAND | Thursday, 15 Jan 2015 | Views [618] | Comments [2]

          It's midnight here in beautiful Bangkok (and 70 degrees). Our bikes, panniers, and ourselves made it to Bangkok this evening.  We had a seamless stroll through immigration and nothing to declare ... Read more >

Goodbye, fare well, auf wiedersehen, good night....

USA | Monday, 12 Jan 2015 | Views [320]

We leave tomorrow on our 39 hour jourrney to Bangkok. Our bikes are snug in their boxes (see pic) and panniers are packed with our essentials. Anything we forget to bring, OH WELL we'll just have to live without it. Simplicity is the name of the game ... Read more >

Photos: @ home pre trip

USA | Thursday, 8 Jan 2015 | Photo Gallery

Packing up!
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Preparing/Packing/Freaking out etc

USA | Thursday, 8 Jan 2015 | Views [343] | Comments [1]

  It's currently Wednesday afternoon. We leave Monday afternoon for Thailand. We have a 15 hour layover (booked intentionally) in Abu Dhabi where we will get to leave the airport and do some exploring of the UAE.  I feel like I should ... Read more >

Photos: GAP/C&O Bike Tour June 2014

USA | Thursday, 8 Jan 2015 | Photo Gallery

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About veganliesa

Before setting out - near Pittsburgh. Enroute to Washington DC

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