WE GOT PLENTY OF NUTHIN’ And nuthin’s plenty for us! We sold the truck on Wednesday and Jim collected the RV this morning. We watched as our home for the last 3½ years drove away. We have eaten — and I have prepared — our last home-cooked meal for the foreseeable future. We have spent hours — and will probably spend more — sorting and resorting, packing and repacking, moving some possessions to our storage unit. Everything else — all we will have for the next year — is packed into one wheeled duffle for each of us.

Traveling lite Our worldly possessions
It is a bittersweet feeling, a reprise of 2011 when we sold our house and set off to explore the world. Nostalgic perhaps. Liberating certainly. We may be more seasoned but we are just as curious as we were then. And we are crossing a different ocean to begin the trip.