WE WOULD RATHER BE COVERED IN HONEY and staked out on an anthill than to be tour guides. Yet here we are chaperoning Connie’s brother and his wife on their European adventure. We met Ken and Dee at the port after their river cruise and we whisked them into a cold and rainy Amsterdam to explore the canals, the infamous red light district and the Riksmuseum. When Dee’s bad knee had enough we returned to the “Haystack” apartment at the wonderful Boerhofstede de Overhorn in Weesp, catching up over a bottle of wine while John cooked.
Amsterdam in a brief moment of sunshine
Dee had checked some travel guides out of the library so she could give Connie an idea of what would interest them. The trip Connie mapped out isn’t one I would recommend — too much travel in too little time — but the customer is always right, right? So after a view of the Dutch countryside we crossed into Belgium, destination Brugge.
Brugge is a hit for even the most jaded travelers and we looked forward to returning. Ken, a retired pharmacist, wanted to see the pharmacy museum and Dee, bless her heart, had a hankerin’ for a Belgian waffle. The wonderful ambiance of Brugge was an added bonus.
Belgian Waffle