THE RESULTS OF OUR EXPERIMENT — is it better to visit Turkey in summer or winter? — are inconclusive. Except for the invasion of cruise ship passengers at Ephesus, we managed to evade most of the crowds. But we also skipped some of the biggest attractions like Pergamon, preserving our memories of uncrowded Istanbul and deserted Troy, and caught the ferry across the Sea of Marmara. Perhaps it was Ramadan that kept the crowds at bay, but the Muslim holy month passed with hardly a notice, the old men sitting in the shade worrying their beads and jonesing for a cigarette and strong Turkish coffee. Or maybe it was the troubling economy and regional strife. Greece, after all, is still an economic disaster.
Turkey is niether — or both, depending on your point of view. European or Asian. Modern or historic. Urban or rural. Secular or Muslim. But whatever the season — whatever your reason, Turkey is a wonderful place to visit, full of sunshine and smiles. It is affordable, comfortable, exotic and friendly. Hats and gloves, shorts and sandals — the choice is yours. But don't miss this fascinating place!
ADDENDUM It's nearly a month later and things have changed. Terrorists have upped the ante in retaliation for Turkey's escalation against ISIL rebels, and there was an attack on the US consulate in Istanbul. Don't cancel your trip but take care.