CONNIE’S NIECES' HOLIDAY, NOT OURS. Amber and Ann were in Rome before their Mediterranean cruise and we flew in to join them for a couple of days. Wouldn’t you know it, their flight was nine hours late so we spent the morning reacquainting ourselves with Rome so we could show them around.

Better late than never The Ladies Lintz
We pretty much suck as tour guides. The Trevi Fountain was dry (not our fault) and the Pantheon was closed (not our fault either) but we got hopelessly lost trying to get back to their hotel — entirely our fault! We didn’t get to bed until nearly midnight, a modern day record for us old folks.

Long lines at the Vatican
On Wednesday morning we guided them directly to the Colesseum and secured spots in line while they explored the area. Wearing shorts and Tevas is nice but I wouldn’t trade the nice weather for the solitude we had during our winter visit. And the crowds today were nothing compared to what they will be in another month. The lines for the Vatican, on the other hand, stretched completely around St. Peter’s Square.

Rome by night A well-deserved gelato
We “gave” the girls the night off to be young and gay in the City of Light. After all that walking we were just too pooped to pop, truth be told. We took advantage of being in Italy and drove our rental up to Aviano Air Base to refill our prescriptions, do some shopping at the BX and take advantage of lodging at the Air Force Inn for the last time.