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Travelling as a course of Life

FINLAND | Saturday, 26 August 2017 | Views [495]

Let it flow. I got to see the power of water in Niagara Falls.

Let it flow. I got to see the power of water in Niagara Falls.

I keep saying that during my travellings I learnt a lot...but I quess that even I am not always sure what I am exactly talking about and what these learning lessons keep inside.

When the lesson is life the learning outcomes can be pretty much anything.

I learnt to grave coconut.
I learnt to eat rice every day.
I learnt to prepare hindu pastry gulgula.
I learnt to use machete for cutting bambu.
I learnt to catch frogs.
I learnt to deal with food poisonings.
I learnt to use UV light to purify water.
I learnt to like hairless dogs.
I kind of learnt to drive an old american pick-up-truck.

I could keep going on. There are hundreds of these lessons but I quess that I would not make a huge impress in a job interview by explaining about the skill of catching frogs.

Life is not about job interviews but because I want to be clear with myself I went through a few bigger course I participated.

Here are three of them:


Precense is gold

I had time. I totally had a lot of time - I had time even though I did not want to have it. When I was working in projects I wanted to do things, to change things, to make things happen. But often I got stuck because of other people.

Especially in a project in developing country things were not always under my control and it was frustrating. Sometimes it felt that it was all about waiting.
And then I got it - there are always people around. I noticed that if our project is not going on I can always focus on pepole. And then you can never really waste your time. Being present with others is the most important thing we can do in life.


You do not need to change

When I read the travelling stories I got the feeling that everybody after travelling has changed so much. Or actually changed totally. That the travelling is the llfe-changing-experience. That after your journey NOTHING will be the same.

I thought that could happen to me as well.

When I came back I with my friends noticed that OH MY I am still the same woman!

I quess I was able to adapt where ever I went but at the same time I was able to stay who I am and not to try act something else. And when I came back I was even more sure that this is who I am.

I learnt that the psychology theories are right: people have usually gone through most of their identity work till the age of 25. I started my journey at the age of 25.

I was relieved. I understood that I did not want to change myself. I was happy with myself who I am. I got my visions and values - the understanding to keep them grew stronger.


Patience creates better life

I am like many others in our contemporary society: everything right now, please.


If you go somewhere where the people do not follow the westernised world expections, yes you need to give up... and start to learn to be patient.

Always when I got into stressfull situation I needed to create my way out of it somehow. It needed patience. I learnt to do my best and I needed to trust that it was enough.

Things happen when the time is right: I learnt that in the end I will get there.

I am actually pretty sure about it.

If I just know where I want to get, in the end I will get there. We all will.


Tags: learning, life, travelling

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