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~ Hello Tomorrow ~

CHINA | Saturday, 8 Nov 2008 | Views [757] | Comments [3]

Two years ago when I applied for Intrepid I was hoping that they would send me to France… pretty obvious how that worked out for me! hahaha. Two years later I am so glad they didn’t. I would’ve loved to explore Europe, and I still plan to, but ... Read more >

Tags: great memories, new horizons, possibilities

The Show Must Go On!

CHINA | Wednesday, 5 Nov 2008 | Views [862]

21 days to say goodbye to the places I love (and hate) in China.... Can't say I would've really chosen this group of pax to do it with, but we had a good time overall. Bill and Sally and Charlotte, all British, were sweet people~ we made a perfect picture ... Read more >

Tags: farewell

The Wild Wild West

CHINA | Thursday, 16 Oct 2008 | Views [1216] | Comments [4]

  If there were such a thing as a Uigher cookbook it would have exactly 5 recipes in it -- and 4 of them involve LAMB!  Lamb is good, the kebabs are great (kawap, in Uigher), but a girl can only eat so many sheep! The nan bread on the other ... Read more >

Tags: camels, desert, fights, silk road, yurts

Beijing Huan Ying Ni!

CHINA | Friday, 22 Aug 2008 | Views [1756] | Comments [2]

It only took me until Day 9 of the Olympics to recognize one glaringly obvious fact - namely that, while the Olympics have been amazing and it is incredibly cool to be part of them, they are also a LOT of Sports; SPORTS , all day, every day... Brilliant ... Read more >

Tags: olympics

Modern Nomads

MONGOLIA | Wednesday, 23 Jul 2008 | Views [2721] | Comments [6]

CHINGGIS KHAN (aka Genghis)... if I could sum up Mongolia in two words it would be Chinggis Khan. For a guy who lived 800 years ago he has quite the personality cult following; he's everywhere in Mongolia! He's on all the money, his statue is in the ... Read more >

Tags: bogie change, chinggis khan, cute/ugly babies, herding cattle

But Where Has the Tent Gone??

CHINA | Friday, 4 Jul 2008 | Views [1285] | Comments [5]

How many adventures can three girls have in two days?? Quite a few it seems!   Just off the top of my head, we rode camels across the Tenger Desert, went sledding on the sand dunes, had one of our tents blow away in the wind (!), and celebrated 4 ... Read more >

Tags: camels, girl talk, laughter

Walking Off the Map

KAZAKHSTAN | Friday, 20 Jun 2008 | Views [1611] | Comments [6]

WALKING OFF THE MAP Kashgar, Kuqa, Urumqi, Turpan.... if these names don’t evoke images of Arabian Nights, deserts, camels, silk, jade, nomadic shepherds and ancient cities, they should :-)  Together these things embody the essence of Xinjiang, China's ... Read more >

All in a Days Work

CHINA | Tuesday, 10 Jun 2008 | Views [976] | Comments [1]

This has got to be the least eventful trip I’ve ever run! No crazy stories, no near death experiences, how very sad… doesn’t mean I wont still write though! ;-)   I had 3 days off in Shanghai before the start of the trip, oh joy. Shanghai is quickly ... Read more >

Tags: work

The Bucket List

CHINA | Saturday, 24 May 2008 | Views [1094] | Comments [2]

This entire trip turned out to be one big birthday party! What a classic trip, to have a bunch of oldies for passengers and yet we had fun everywhere we went :-)   Between the 8 oldies (and 4 youngers) we had 3 birthdays on a 12 day trip!   Good times.... Read more >

Tags: oldies but goodies!

The Luck of the Irish

CHINA | Tuesday, 13 May 2008 | Views [1109] | Comments [3]

I promised adventures, and I deliver! :-D  It's not often when things go wrong and you ask 'Why? why has this happened?' that you actually get an answer. I was lucky, I got my answer the very next day, in the form of my new travel buddy, Estelle! I ... Read more >

Tags: basketball, luck, no reservations, wedding crashers

Don't Forget Your Sun Cream!

CHINA | Friday, 25 Apr 2008 | Views [2323] | Comments [3]

There’s a phrase heard often here in Leader Land that explains when things go wrong inexplicably, it’s called “T.I.C. – This Is China”. It explains why your hair dryer works one day but not the next, why you can view your email inbox but not actually ... Read more >

Tags: good people, good times

Gallery: Beijing 2008

CHINA | Thursday, 3 Apr 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 17 photos >>

Please Return Me to the Nearest Lost & Found

USA | Thursday, 3 Apr 2008 | Views [1675] | Comments [10]

I'M BAAAAAACK!!!!  :-D   Hehehhee, did you miss me?? Figuratively speaking of course, since I just spend the last 4 months hanging out with most of you. For those of you I didn't get to see, and for the cancellation of the open house this past Sunday, ... Read more >

Tags: misadventures, new sights, old friends

The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow!

CHINA | Sunday, 18 Nov 2007 | Views [1583] | Comments [7]

A Kiwi, two Irish, a Canadian and an American get on a train.... and no one in their carriage sleeps for the next 14 hours! hehehe, okay maybe we weren't that bad... but nearly! Most passengers enjoy the train or are indifferent about it, but these ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

Jingle Bells in October

CHINA | Saturday, 20 Oct 2007 | Views [1177] | Comments [1]

October is without a doubt my favorite time of year ~ something about the changing season makes me dream and write and plan and think. Of course, spending three days on a boat in the middle of the Yangzi River does nothing if not give me plenty of ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

It's All A Bit Fuzzy...

CHINA | Tuesday, 2 Oct 2007 | Views [1321]

Their names were Julie 1 & Mike 1, Julie 3 & Mike 3 (no kidding), Alf, Carin, and Rose and we have just had too much fun! I'm sorry if this traumatises my dear grandparents or parents, but I have not drank so much or slept so little in a very ... Read more >

Tags: Laughter

Monkeys and Pandas and Eyebrows??

CHINA | Friday, 7 Sep 2007 | Views [2619] | Comments [2]

Just a little blurb about how I spent my time off. I had 18 days between trips, so I did what every good tour leaders does with so much time - TRAVEL! :-) Maureen flew into Hong Kong the day after my trip ended so I flew up to meet her there. It was ... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

No Rest for the Wicked

VIETNAM | Thursday, 30 Aug 2007 | Views [1282] | Comments [5]

If I even began to tell you about Day 1 of this trip alone you would fall over from the stress of it all! I had fully intended to hibernate at our apartment in Shekou for my 4 days off between trips, but my second day there another tour leader popped ... Read more >

Tags: misadventures

My Learning Curve

CHINA | Thursday, 16 Aug 2007 | Views [1038] | Comments [4]

Whew, just finished a 3 week long trip and I'm exhausted! This is the longest trip I've done so far, plus I had SIXTEEN passengers! Good gracious, every time I did a head count I had to do it 3 times to make sure they were all there! At first I didn't ... Read more >

Tags: Party time

Three Men and a Little Lady

CHINA | Sunday, 22 Jul 2007 | Views [1090]

Who would've thought I could have such a great time with just these three older guys as pax? I certainly didn't, but this trip could hardly have worked out much better than it did. The guys were all like-minded, similar interests and backgrounds, and ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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