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For the Spider Skeptics

AUSTRALIA | Tuesday, 14 August 2007 | Views [27425] | Comments [18]

Fucking big ass spider in my fucking bathroom -

Fucking big ass spider in my fucking bathroom - "Taruntulillo" in local slang

The spider was a "Brown Huntsman" or "Wood Spider" that come in assorted sizes to over 10 inches in legspan. Since I found the first one, I've found what I really HOPE was papa bear (who got away), mama bear (who didn't make it because I was getting irritated), and baby bear (who went down the shower drain). I'm getting over trying to catch them and toss them out, especially since I now know the buggers bite and that it can be very painful.

Now one of the things that really freaks me out, is that they move just like the newly hatched Aliens from the Alien movies.  Totally creepy.

I also found the guest book in the cabin and the last people to stay there actually mentioned that they found a bunch in the wood basket next to the fireplace. Trust me, that wood basket was gingerly removed to the deck last night and a flashlight tour of the entire cabin occurred again as well as stopping up a few holes where they apparently like to hangout.

For all you wise guys who were thinking "Aah, that spider aint so big and scary", here's an update. And I quote "They do bite if provoked, but the victim will suffer only minor swelling and localised pain, and will recover in a day or two" and that "there have been reports...of bites that have caused prolonged pain, inflammation, headache, vomiting and irregular pulse rate". I shit you not and the skeptics can kiss my @!#. Check out more information on Wikipedia should you be so inclined.

I guess I am now getting used it and so dealing with big biting spiders is becoming routine. Someone was taking pictures of a big python outside the other day, so looking forward to my first snake. Not!

Tags: The Great Outdoors



It is true that these buggers can bite, but take it from a Nth QLD girl, they are more scared of you than you are of them. Plus, the added bonus is that they eat all the other little creepy crawly things that you would normally find around the place.

  Melissa Aug 14, 2007 4:25 PM


These guys are part of your home if you live in Australia. Once you get used to them they are really quite useful ... like, the eat all the mosquito's. Also, these guys climb the walls and the ones you've got to be really worried about can't!

  simon_monk Aug 14, 2007 8:52 PM


Did you see it in Washington State?, I have these arachnids in my yard & sometimes like tonight, my home in Cincinnati, Ohio.
I love all creatures & the outdoors, with this one exception! They scare the daylights out of me. Still trying to recover from a close call in my easy chair!!!

  Eileen Kruer May 9, 2008 12:02 PM


i was outside when letting my dogs out and i found one on my pourch.I put it in a glass jar with an inch warm and it's fangs parellized it and then it just sucked the fluids witohut spinning an web around it. IS that normal i dont know?

  Micheal Jun 1, 2008 10:56 PM


This species of spider introduced itself to my 5 year old whe it bit her on her toe last night. She began crying complaining that something in her shoe was hurting her. I took off the shoe and saw this big spider fall out. I took her and the spider to the hospital ER and fortunately the doctor look at it and identified the spider as non poisonous. Thank God.

  Moon Jun 5, 2008 3:26 AM


okay so we just found our very own wood spider! it was so disgusting it crawed all over my mom and she knocked it off on to the floor which happens to be brown go figure? so any ways she couldnt really see what it was so she kicked it and i ran semi up on to the wall it was the biggest damn thing she ever saw she then called up my uncle to come and kill it but yeah long story short its now dead and we will be spraying every inch of the house!!

  elizabeth and nancy Jun 25, 2008 8:26 AM


I just move to this house and these things are everywhere! I spary and they come right back! Oh let me tell you, I was getting up to eat my breakfast before work one morning. Sat down on the couch looked down and I sware it was the biggest nasty looking creature I'd ever seen. It saw me a took off I didn't eat another bite until I found his ass! As it gets hotter I get more and more of them they are driving the family crazy because everyone's scared of them.

  LD Jul 12, 2008 10:38 AM


Is it possible to find these in Germany near from frankfurt? All the signs and descriptions are similair except the size the "Wood" spider if it is indeed was only close to about 5-6cm long sprawled out.

  derek Aug 6, 2008 1:08 AM


Just caught one last night trying to crawl into my downstairs apartment. Do they usually live in CT?
It is in a container now. I fed it a cricket that I have for my Bearded Dragons and it pounced on the thing. The cricket twitched for a while and is slowly dying in the spiders fangs. I am going to try and put it in a larger container and video tape another feeding before I set it loose far from the house. I will try and post it if the video comes out alright and put a hyperlink here, but I don't think it is hungry now.

  Russ Aug 8, 2008 1:43 AM


I had my only encounter with this HUGE spider on the night before my wedding in the Smoky Mountains; we had rented a cabin on the river. My boyfriend removed a pillow from the bed and it ran out, jumped on him and ran up his arm. I guess I should have seen this as an omen since my husband and I are no longer married. Besides the event scaring the total hell out of me...the next day my dad said "Oh, it was probably just a daddy-longleg!". ANYONE KNOWS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THESE TWO!!!!!!

  Marsha Aug 18, 2008 7:09 AM


I agree with Melissa that spiders are more scared of you than you are of them BUT spiders can also sense fear & they feed off it. That's one way they attack.

  Megan Sep 25, 2008 5:34 AM


I'm not for sure if what I have is a wood spider. I live in virginia beach and not in a wooded area. I see these spiders all over the house in my sinks and floors. Their on the outside of my house in the siding. This is the only one that looks like the one I have and is freaks me out. Can anyone help out if it could be a wood spider and how the hell you get ride of them.

  missy Oct 1, 2008 12:03 AM


I am finding these spiders all over my house. They're the hugest specimens I've ever encountered. i am so scared of them. I must have an infestation. Should I get my place bombed or will they go away gradually? One thing that creeps me out besides their size is the fact that I see them in the same area each time. Does this mean their nest is near. Do they have nests or webs???
Thnx for your help.
-CT person in need

  MB Oct 14, 2008 12:56 PM


Whoa! Big bugger! They are ok, though. I catch them in a cup and put a piece of paper under it and throw it outside. Sounds like that cabin is really old. I don't see these guys very often. As with all insects and 8 legged creatures, if you don't bother them, they won't bother you. Maybe you can figure out how to re-do the inside of the cabin so they won't come in as often. Keep the outside of it looking old and rustic. Maybe new baseboards and see what kind of insualation is used.

  Jenn Jul 12, 2009 4:01 PM


I can believe it! That is so huge and discusting.I would have flipped out. I would have been out of the cabin in a second. Theres no way i'd live there knowing that is in my house, and there is never only one. That spider has a whole family living in your house. GET OUT!

  jess Aug 21, 2009 5:13 PM


I re-enact the the scene in the space ship's hospital fairly regularly here in SW Florida.

I absolutely hate these things, too. If they look fuzzy, those are hundreds of baby-baby aliens looking for a host.

Ants and these are my only problem. I live in a suburban setting, but have lots of oak trees.
I came here looking for a little more information, because 6 weeks ago, I noticed a dead one in my bed while making it (same size as pictured)...at almost the same time I noticed minor pain & swelling - - - - ...in...my...ear.
It's 6 weeks later, apparently, the swelling goes away after the tissue dies. A couple bottles of Peroxide & Alcohol (and about 700 q-tips) later...I'm Almost back to good. It was minor...but it was a major part of my day for the past month & half.
Shoot on sight.

"Yeah...Trailrunr should move the wood basket! He's the only one qualified to remote-pilot the ship!"

  Chris in Florida Jun 23, 2010 10:41 AM


omg i just found that type of spider in my kitchen sooo freaky looking glad i have a great crazy hunter kitty that notified me with clicking sounds :P

  vanessa Aug 5, 2010 3:53 PM


Yeah, these guys are active hunters. They will not use webs to catch their prey. They are very aggressive. I see them often down in Florida. Usually they will run from you, but if you corner them they will actually attack, even charge at you. Its neat to watch them hunt. They can move from side to side like a crab unlike most other spiders i have observed down here. They also get very low to the ground. Its amazing how quickly they can move. I dont think we will ever be able to get rid of them. They seem to live every where. If your home is not sealed up tight they will find their way in. I was actually bitten in the face by one about 10 years ago. I rolled over on one which was on my pillow. I used to like spiders. lol Now I only like our Golden Orb Weavers.

  MIke Santos May 13, 2011 1:38 PM



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