I have only a few hours left in Cape Town and decided to head down to Long Street from my hostel, as I have done, alone, several times since staying here. Today's experience, however, was a bit different. On the short jaunt down the hill the 4 small blocks to Long Street I was approached by a young boy about 14. He asked me for money. I had been very careful up until this point to carry some small bills in one pocket, and larger bills in a separate pocket. When I was approached, however, I could not remember which pocket had what. Also, it was broad daylight so I really wasn't expecting for someone to ask me for money as they usually only approach people at night. I was also told not to give them money because they would just ask for more and more and then assault you if they thought you were holding out on them.
When I told the kid that I didn't have any cash on me he became agitated. I frantically began to pat my pockets, trying to figure out which one had the small bills...I didn't want him to think I was wealthy and try to steal my bag (which had my passport, health card, and credit cards in it). That's when he said to me, "I almost had to stab that guy for trying to make a fool out of me," pointing to a guy just down the street, "give me your money."
I reached into my pants pocket, grabbed a handful of change, the equivalent of about $10, and poured it into his hands telling him it was all I had and I was very sorry.
He smiled, turned to me and said, "God bless you," then turned and walked away.
As I type this I'm still a little freaked out...needless to say I'll be taking a taxi back to the hostel when I leave the cafe.