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Jalan Jalan Jalan Jalan is about the time I have spent in Indonesia. Usually this involves me getting in to some unusual situation and then having to face the many cultural and language barriers to get out of it. Also, there are usually monkeys involved.


There are [70] photos and [15] stories about Indonesia

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Photos: Passport & Plate - Housemate's Chicken Soup

Monday, 3 Feb 2014 | Photo Gallery | Scholarship Entry

How to prepare this recipe: Do yourself a favour. Scrape the remnants of celery (leaves and all), chili, shallots, broccolini and carrot – whatever you can find from the fridge and chop them up in to little pieces – Dexter style. None of this Julienne ... Read more >
See all 5 photos >>

Tags: chicken soup, housemate, indonesia, italy, nomads


Thursday, 21 Jun 2012 | Views [3856]

I really am a big fan of Indonesian humour from "Eat, Pay, Leave" to this beauty below! This was taken at El Kabron at Padang Padang, South Bali. In contrast with this photo below, it really is worth a visit!

Tags: cocktails, el kabron, funny, lucu, padang padang

Trek to Tampak Sering

Friday, 15 Jun 2012 | Views [794]

I took a walk to Tempak Sering on Wednesday and on the way I saw this snake which had been run over. It amazes me! It actually looks 3D! How uncanny!

Tags: bali, snake, tampa sering, trek, walk

My favourite ‘not so secret’ locations in Bali

Thursday, 19 Apr 2012 | Views [1538]

White Sand Beaches The White Sand Beaches lie just north of Candidasa on the East coast of Bali. I usually take a relaxing motorbike ride from Ubud through Gianyar and then up the Australian Government funded seaside road. Usually there are ... Read more >

Tags: agung, beaches, destinations, favourite, hindu, hot springs, indah, katiklantang, pantai, tourist

Panas Sekali!

Tuesday, 17 Apr 2012 | Views [1174]

It was so panas (hot!) the other day that even the ants were in to the coconuts. I took this not even 5 minutes after receiving my coconut! Good one Bali! I couldn't help myself. i had to take a photo; they were so lumut! (Blame the weather for ... Read more >

Tags: ants, bali, coconut, coconuts, hot, lumut, panas

Borabadur Pics

Thursday, 12 Apr 2012 | Views [949]

We all feel a little small at times and Borobudur is certainly one of those amazing places that makes you feel tiny. Minuscule in fact. My favourite part about visiting Borobudur is staying at the hotel on the massive temple's ... Read more >

Tags: bahasa, big, borobudur, indonesia, java, jawa, lights, night, small, temple

Pak and his Anjing

Wednesday, 11 Apr 2012 | Views [1367]

Just a quick post today so I can share one of my favourite pics from my Bali life. Most of the time, I don't notice what us Westerners would call the 'unorganised' and 'disorderly' ways of Bali anymore. For example, the traffic is ... Read more >

Tags: anjing, bali, dog, indonesia, indonesian, lark, pak, pascoe, tracie, traffic

Nyepi 2012

Friday, 30 Mar 2012 | Views [1415]

In a recent post, I described the various interesting, pleasing and annoying sounds of Indonesia. Today however the only sound that can be heard is the soft exhale of the wind as she caresses the rice paddies, making the rice stalks rustle and hustle.... Read more >

Tags: 2012, bali, hindu, indonesia, nyepi, ogeh, orang, pascoe, tracie, ubud

Mokos Mojo!

Tuesday, 20 Mar 2012 | Views [1028]

There’s nothing like hanging out at my fave (use the whole word! How much time do you think you’re saving!!!) spot, Moko’s in Ubud. It is an intimate environment to watch the band play, drink arak mojitos by the jug and dance ... Read more >

Tags: bali, baliology, indonesia, mokos, music, pascoe, semangat, tracie, travel, ubud


Monday, 19 Mar 2012 | Views [701]

Nyepi: Coming to a Bali near you! http://www.smartraveller.gov.au/zw-cgi/view/travelbulletins/Balinese_New_Year_23_March_2012 Watch this space for a what will be most likely a very 'Tracie-esque' experience of Nyepi. I mean, how will I stay ... Read more >

Tags: bali, baliology, culture, indonesia, new, nyepi, pascoe, religion, tracie, year

Lost In Translation

Sunday, 18 Mar 2012 | Views [1072]

So there are times when we think we know that the other person has understood what we have said but they haven’t, even when we are speaking the same language let alone when we are speaking in different languages.   SMSing in mixed languages ... Read more >

Tags: bali, english, in, indonesia, language, lost, sms, teaching, translation, ubud

Oh Bali!

Wednesday, 14 Mar 2012 | Views [651]

Oh Bali how you tease; Your lanterns are comfort For the lonely heart, Your mountains caress my mind, Your rainy tears Devour the sunshine And the sun warms my soul More than the moon Moves me And I want to sing ... Read more >

Tags: bali, baliology, berjalan, jalan, oh, pascoe, poem, tracie, ubud


Monday, 12 Mar 2012 | Views [1134]

For those of you who know me in Australia you will know that I’ve always lived on the crazy side of life and like Cyclone Tracey I tear a path through anywhere I go mixing it up; why? Because life is boring otherwise. It helps to have a short attention ... Read more >

Tags: bali, berjalan, crazy, forest gump, gila, indonesia, jalan, sanur, ubud, walking


Monday, 5 Mar 2012 | Views [907]

I would like to invite you to my other blog site which has been running for nearly a year now. 'Baliology...a term yet to be defined' will take you on a vicarious experience through all things Bali. Experience Bali through my eyes (you may need to straighten ... Read more >

Tags: anjing, anjings, bali, baliology, dogs, monkeys, mountain, teaching, ubud, volcano

Photos: Indonesia

Monday, 5 Mar 2012 | Photo Gallery

Berjalan2 di Bali!
See all 65 photos >>

Tags: snake, volcano



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