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Roadtrip Australia: Van-Tastic Victoria - Tim & Friends Tim from London embarks on the ultimate Aussie roadtrip as he motors around Victoria with Van-Tastic Adventures - picking up his Aussie mates for six action-packed, free-wheeling weeks of adventure.


AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 28 November 2009 | Views [1329]

After our fishing adventures, we went along to the official neighbours trivia night at the Wheelbarrow and Elephant pub in St Kilda. I never knew how much the Brits were into neighbours! The pub was packed to the rafters with tourist from the UK who were absolutely loving it. Three cast members from the show turn up every week, we were lucky enough to meet resident vet Steve Parker, the gorgeous Elle Robinson and the one and only Dr Karl Kennedy. The cast members came around to meet everyone in the pub and say hi and have a chat.  Everyone also got to take some pictures with them, which will undoubtedly be set as facebook profile pics around the world! Allan Fletcher, aka Dr Karl Kennedy, aka Fletchy comes every single Monday to meet his fans and you can tell its his favourite night of the week, he loves it! Fletchy rocks out with his band at the end of the show, singing some awesome covers and some of his originals. As well as meeting all the cast, Tim got to hone in on his acting skills and do some lines alongside Dr Karl. Make sure you check out the video blog!


It was an awesome night out in st Kilda, a definite for any backpacker visiting Melbourne. The Neighbours Trivia Night is consistently voted as the number one backpacker night in Melbourne and it is easy to see why!



Em and Tim

Also for more info on traveling in Victoria check out:


Tags: adventure, australia, backpacking, campervan, road trip, travel, van-tastic adventures, vantastic, victoria, world nomads

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