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scrambled eggs Our adventures through Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia for 7 months.

Gallery: Colombia

COLOMBIA | Tuesday, 19 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

Don´t tell our parents
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Gallery: Ecuador - The finale

ECUADOR | Tuesday, 19 Jun 2007 | Photo Gallery

Farewell S.A.
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River cruise number 3

PERU | Wednesday, 16 May 2007 | Views [636]

Finally pushed out of Port this evening. Only 1 day and 3 hours late. Not bad. This is huge boat compared to our last boat. It's at least 4 stories high and has 2 level of human cargo. We're in a large area with about 100 other people. Hammocks are about ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Happy Mother's day

PERU | Sunday, 13 May 2007 | Views [580]

Well at 2am got an early Mother’s day pressie with a lady giving birth to a gorgeous girl underneath Glen’s hammock. Ah adventures.   Reached Pucullpa today, crazy mad jungle town where everyone rides motorbikes r travels in motor taxis.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Boat babblings

PERU | Friday, 11 May 2007 | Views [580]

  Slept pretty well, was sung to sleep by a drunk also sleeping aboard who this morning packed up his hammock and left. By the time we pulled away from the dock there was about 20 hammocks, 7 others up on our level. Spent today moored along the river ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

When does the boat leave?

PERU | Thursday, 10 May 2007 | Views [586]

Excited about a boat in 2 days we head out to buy beer and enjoy our last day in this town (in our hotel with fan and t.v) and heading back to the hotel when we meet the Captain. He informs us the boat is now leaving tomorrow, do we still want to ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

In a small town blah!!

PERU | Wednesday, 9 May 2007 | Views [544]

  Boat decided to go up river and not down like we need – starting to wonder if the town is plotting to keep us here. Enjoying the Ceviche for lunch everyday. It’s fish (and other seafood) cooked with lime juice and is as fresh as can get. Found ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Have I mentioned we're stuck in a small town?

PERU | Tuesday, 8 May 2007 | Views [558]

  Everywhere we go the shopkeepers offer us hammocks, word has gotten ‘round. We head back to a lady with the coolest hammocks finally buy from her (after haggling muchly) and hope word passes around town just as quick that we’re no longer in the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Small town blues

PERU | Monday, 7 May 2007 | Views [628]

  Found out we may be stuck here for about 5 days until a launcha (big boat) gets here to head down river. We collect locals wherever we go, which is getting tiring fast – these guys don’t talk, just stare and listen in to others who are brave enough ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Canoe rides through the jungle

PERU | Sunday, 6 May 2007 | Views [633]

Up early with the sunrise (no curtains), mozzie net worked a treat. Spent a long day on a motorized canoe with many other people. Scenery was stunning, and stopped for a quick lunch in a small village and ate (what I found out later) was Jungle rat ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Tiny town travels

PERU | Saturday, 5 May 2007 | Views [738]

  Landed in Satipo at 5am after an amazing trip via bus down into the jungle lowlands, through rock carved tunnels, past amazing waterfalls and watching the vegetation become more lush. Waited for a taxi to fill to our next stop Porto Ocopa for ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Long travels through tiny towns

PERU | Friday, 4 May 2007 | Views [625]

Well after 3 night buses and numerous tiny towns all starting with A or H I'm not really sure where we are currently but we're still attempting to get to the Amazon and boat it to Iquitos (largest city with no roads in or out). We've hit a a small snag ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing

Gallery: Machu Pichu - Peru

PERU | Monday, 30 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

Machu Pichu
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Gallery: Peru II - The Return

PERU | Monday, 30 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

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See ya civilization!!

PERU | Sunday, 29 Apr 2007 | Views [728] | Comments [1]

Happy birthday Manda. Today is our last day in Cuzco. We’ve had a blast been busy and loved Machu Pichu. We’re on a night bus tonight and tomorrow heading for the jungle so we can pick up a cargo boat and lazily swing our way up to the Amazon in hammocks.... Read more >

Tags: Relaxation

A long walk home

PERU | Friday, 27 Apr 2007 | Views [470]

Decided to get out of Agua Calliente while there were no landslides and so we set out at 7am walking back to Olltaytambo, it took 7 hours and was about 3 kms too far for Jessa’s liking but we walked the 28kms to the start of the Inca trail and transport ... Read more >

Tags: Philosophy of travel

When the world shakes, listen to the officals!!

PERU | Thursday, 26 Apr 2007 | Views [897]

Of course we can’t avoid excitement and adventure being the people we are and chilling in the afternoon after walking the 8 kms down the mountain back to town, we decided to not head back to Cuzco the way we came in and decided to check out the crazy ... Read more >

Tags: Adrenaline

Machu Pichu magic

PERU | Thursday, 26 Apr 2007 | Views [847]

 Woke up early today to catch the first bus up to Machu Pichu, decided we didn’t want to walk 7kms straight up the mountain at 4am. We got the first bus at 5.30am and entered the site with about 10 others. It was magical. We spent about 7 hours there ... Read more >

Tags: Culture

Gallery: Bolivia - Salt Lake Tour

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 18 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Argentina

ARGENTINA | Monday, 9 Apr 2007 | Photo Gallery

Bonus track
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