CAMBODIA | Tuesday, 3 Jul 2012 | Views [1095]
Sharing a meal with a Cambodian family almost always
involves spreading a few mats out on the floor of the living room or the
outside patio, a few bowls of rice, a bowl of soup, typically fish, and being
asked multiple times if you want more.... Read more >
Tags: angkor thom, angkor wat, bamboo train, battombang, bayon, cambodia, killing fields, sihanoukville, torture chambers, tuol sleng museum
CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 20 Jun 2012 | Photo Gallery
Angkor Wat, Bamboo train, Killing Fields, Tuol Sleng Museum, and family time
See all 45 photos >>
Tags: angkor thom, angkor wat, bamboo train, bas relief, baylon, carvings, killing fields, museum, temples, torture chambers