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Tasha and Lisa Backpacking Adventures This will be our blog for our adventures to singapore, australia, new zealand and Sanfran. yours truly, Tasha and Lisa

Rain? Nope not too much

SINGAPORE | Saturday, 19 January 2008 | Views [1164] | Comments [3]

Jan 18-19 08

Well greetings to all from singapore!!! Thank you everyone for all of your comments they made us soooo happy to read, and made us miss you all even more hehe. Were not missing the snow that you mentioned, that is for sure. It rained just a little bit here this morning and last night but yesterday (18th) the weather was superb!!! We did infact get to the zoo yesterday and words cannot describe how beautiful it is. When you walk in you are completely engulfed in tropical foliage. Basically it's like your following paths through a rainforest and then  you come across an enclosure or say, a manned wolf, or a mouse deer. All of the enclosures are a photographerds dream, because there are no cages, no wires, barely a two foot wooden fence that blends in with the plants. It's really like taking a safari. Even the lions were barely contained it was somewhat strange. The whole zoo is about 2 km and we did the whole thing in about 5 hours. We got to see an elephant show and stubbled upon a KFC right in the middle of the zoo (strange).  There was also a ben and jerry's on site where I bought some icecream for an insane sum of money, but enjoyed it sooooooooooooooooooo much. Lisa bought a pizza for an equally absurd amount of money but it was our day out so we splurged.  I almost bought auston this crazy glow in the dark snake shirt but it was like 60 bucks, sorry auston, I'll keep my eye out for something cooler and less pricey.

After the zoo we caught a cab back to our hotel and did we ever get a chatty taxi driver. This guy was talking about everything from Britney spears to Bangkok. It was funny. When we finally did get back to the hotel lisa took a nap and I went down to the pool. After we met up again we took a stroll down to a place called Bugis Junction. After me not being able to find flip flops ANYWHERE we asked a nice shop girl that we became friends with down in Haji lane where I could find some. She said Bugis junction, so we went off to find it expecting a small mall.....well. It was like a multiplex of stores, shops, and even an outdoor courtyard in the middle decorated with dancing fountains. These fountains are insane like I cannot explain them to you, there are like streams of water that shoot out of the ground out of this like iron rose, and it all lights up and the different streams interact with eachother to create shapes. It's really cool.  We did finally find me some flip flops, actually and so much more because they have the coolest clothing here. Every teenager here wears black skinny jeans and converse. EVERYONE has converse shoes. We also found this graphic tee shop amongst all the millions of stores, with the most amazing T-shirts and coolest designs. One talks about the history of headlessness, lisa's personal fav. My fav wa probaby the penguin holding a skull (so random) haha. They were super cool, and super expensive so alas we did not purchase any. We did how ever find a food court that was more like a series of extremely busy restaurants. The mall itself was like sunridge in calgary on boxing day. SOOOO busy. But yes, we treated ourselves to one of the restaurants and it was sooooooooooooooooooo good. Lisa had the red hot chilli pepper and chiken on penne pasta, and I got the vegetarian fav on rice, followed by goldmine cheesecake. It was so tastey. We probably scarffed it down in 10 minutes flat.

After the mall we started to walk back to the hotel when we noticed a sweet record shop called Street Records. Inside we found a pretty chill atmosphere, records lining the walls, music posters, a black couch and a really nice shop guy with dreds past his butt. We talked with him for a bit and scourred the records, turns out his aunt lives in vancouver so he'd been to Canada. He was super nice and recommended some music to Lisa Lou. We didn't have any cash left with us so we didn't buy any, but we may go back.  Also our friend from haji lane told us about some good clubs here, apparently there is one called Zouk and it's supposed to be the "hardest" (as she said) club here in Singapore. We think that means cool. There's also one called Beatz and MOS. Beatz apparently plays the likes of the cure, the smiths, the strokes, and placebo. Cannot go wrong there. We might check out one of these places, but were not sure for nowwww.

Ummm so today we might go to the art museum or just chill, not sure. We fly into perth monday morning. Will try to keep  you updated but if not, we will talk to you when we get to perth.

As for your lovely comments:

Benson: lisa says that once you take a look at our pictures you'll feel like you've been here, and Tasha says you are a noob and should be super jealous that you didn't see the reptile exhibit in the zoo. Were talking 500 pound turtles and komodos, to bad you weren't here. Lisa just hit me, and told me I'm awful, you have a good sister ben. She says that she loves you.

Auston: Tasha says I saw a kid by the pool the other day that reminded me of you SO much, he looked, moved, and talked EXACTLY like you. It made me want to come home and play skate with you. Buttttt not yet. I Love you too. Enjoy being a single child while you can. And please refrain from touching my CD's.

To the moms and dads: Your comments warm our hearts! Glad to here that you all are doing well, and happy that jayna has book Sanfran!!! We miss you guys a lot , and are very happy for your support. Sorry if we don't call too often it is just a lot easier to do it this way. We will also send some postcards soon. WE LOVE YOU. And tasha is glad that caros mail came, and is asking her mom to open it and give it out to everyone in calgary it is for. To john: stop being a worrier, Tasha is alive and kickin haha. WE LOVE YOU ALLLLLLLLLL LOTS. will keep in touch. Lisa also says that she'll soon reply to the lovely emails she's gotten! Tasha says  I LOVE YOU MOM.

Kasey: Lisa cannot wait to read your journal and she's keeping one too. She also has found so much clothing that you would like, when she finds the perfect piece she wil buy it for you!! BIG HUGS and LOVE

Grandma and graps: Thanks for the phone numbers, not sure if you should have posted them on the net, but all in love. Miss you guys lots, and am sorry to hear about the snow. I'll do some suntanning for you. We are staying safe and eating well...for now haha. Will keep you posted. LOVE LOVE BIG HUGS

Friends: You know who you all are!!! WE miss and love all of you soooo much, many times have we mentioned that we wish you were here to experience all of this with us. But you are all in our hearts and we will try to write lots so you can experience it with us. We wish all of you well in clagary, or where ever you may be (germany, vancouver, denmark?)and where ever else all of you are headed. Will try to get souvenirs for all of you. LOVE LOVE LOVE BIG HUGS

Until next entry. WE SEND LOVE FROM SINGAPORE!!!

Tags: Philosophy of travel



Good morning little ladies, I am about to end my day. Thank you Tasha for giving me lots of great dream material. It never ceases to amaze me how talented you are. If you ever get writers cramp, perhaps your trusty assistant will take over to a post a few words. Lisa has some great typing skills. I have heard her tap tap away a few times. Yes it is snowy here now. More flurries are on there way tomorrow I hear. When I am shoveling in the morning and scraping the jeep windows in the morning, I will do a bit for you ladies, as I know how much you must be missing do those tasks. Enjoy the rest of your time in Singapore. Remember Bensons parting comments to you "Stay in well lit places!" Cheers and much love to you both! momma mar. xoxo

  marlene Jan 19, 2008 6:08 PM


Doesn't Lisa's mom every sleep I thought I was an early riser, but today I made it in bed until about 7:00 .... Sounds like Singa P is a place we should all take the time to visit. You 2 are having a blast, but being good kids and taking the time out to think of the ones back here in the cold..mmmmmmmm

The phone numbers only work on our numbers, not if they call anyone else so,they aren't going to be much use to anyone but yourself Tasha..

Grandpa was happy yesterday he actually got to use his snow blower that the Barries and Harders gave him ... amazing isn't it what makes one happy.

Well might write more later, glad your having lots of fun, stay safe and make good choices... love you lots
Granpa and Grandma

  Grandpa and Grandma Jan 20, 2008 1:34 AM


Good to hear you two are safe and having a groovy time :)
And wow! Just wow... everything so far sounds so very magical!
It is gently snowing here in calgary so it is hard to imagine all that tropical stuff.
And I didn't know you two were going to singapore... but i guess a non-stop flight to australia is hard to come by, not to mention probably at least twenty-some hours long hehe.
That zoo sounds amazing, I cant wait to see the pictures! (and glad to hear you hit a record store hehe..)
But all in all, im so very impressed that you two are doing all this and you are not even in australia yet!! :)

All my very very best wishes - i hope you both have a safe flight to perth! I cant wait to hear more updates!

  David Jan 20, 2008 7:13 AM

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