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Trip: Italy & Egypt

There are [15] stories from my trip: Italy & Egypt

Florence day 1-2

ITALY | Wednesday, 10 Apr 2013 | Views [1556]

Siena to Florence   On this morning we took the train back to Florence, leaving Siena and the best hotel we stayed in in Italy. Siena is not far from Florence, so we arrived with plenty of time to explore the city. Our hotel was right near ... Read more >

Tags: duomo, florence, michelangelo, pizzale michelangelo, the david, waiters

Siena (all)

ITALY | Monday, 8 Apr 2013 | Views [413]

On our second full day in Siena we had checked the weather, and because it was supposed to be nice we booked a wine tour. Our driver/tour guide Franco picked us up at our hotel and proceeded to wind his way through the centre of town and out the other ... Read more >

Tags: brunello, montelcino, siena, wine tour

Sorrento to Siena

ITALY | Monday, 1 Apr 2013 | Views [1574]

Our last day in Sorrento, we actually had to add a day to our hotel stay just so we could see the town we were actually staying in. It poured rain. We decided to visit the intarsia museum (inlaid wood), as Sorrento is known for its extremely high quality ... Read more >

Tags: cathedral, intarsia, siena, sorrento, stripes

Pompei - Positano - Amalfi

ITALY | Sunday, 24 Mar 2013 | Views [650]

Pompei (the Italian spelling)   On our second full day in Sorrento, we didn’t stay in Sorrento either. Instead we took the little trolley train half an hour to Pompei. Yes, Pompei; the city buried in ash and preserved for 2000 years.... Read more >

Tags: amalfi, drive, pope, positano

Sorrento - Capri

ITALY | Wednesday, 20 Mar 2013 | Views [1388]

Like Anthony Bourdain quotes in my very first entry, it is sometimes difficult to put into words exactly what it is you’re experiencing. Sorrento, and indeed all of what we’ve experienced in Southern Italy, will be just that – something ... Read more >

Tags: capri, funicolare, italy, sfogliatelle, sorrento

Arrivederci Casa Gregorio!

ITALY | Saturday, 16 Mar 2013 | Views [980]

This day was our last full day at Casa Gregorio. When we got up for breakfast we all knew that it was coming to an end. Breakfast was, as always, delicious, and consisted of the usual frittatas, fresh melon, croissants, coffee, mystery green juice (which ... Read more >

Tags: arrivederci, casa gregorio, farm restaurant, pizza, shopping, sorrento

Casa Gregorio day 4 & 5

ITALY | Thursday, 14 Mar 2013 | Views [648]

Day 4 at Casa Gregorio began with a visit to a farm. As we stepped out of the vans we were met with the familiar smell of cow manure blowing on the wet breeze. I don’t mind the smell, it reminds me of being on Erin’s farm when I was young.... Read more >

Tags: casa gregorio, erzinio, farm, gnocchi, pasta, prosciutto

Casa Gregorio day 3

ITALY | Tuesday, 12 Mar 2013 | Views [494] | Comments [1]

So sorry for the delay, we have been traveling and going to bed early. Where was I? Oh yes! Casa Gregorio day 3. We left the house early this day and went down to the local market to pick up some items for dinner that night. We also had a chance to ... Read more >

Tags: antipasti, appian way, casa gregorio, fossanova abbey, mozzarella, terracina

Photos: Casa Gregorio

ITALY | Saturday, 9 Mar 2013 | Photo Gallery

See all 35 photos >>

Casa Gregorio day 2

ITALY | Saturday, 9 Mar 2013 | Views [690]

Our first night at Casa Gregorio we went to a pizzeria for dinner. It should have been a sign of things to come when Gregory ordered 12 different kinds of pizza including the best four cheese pizza I’ve ever tasted. There were also types with sausage, ... Read more >

Tags: arpino, casa gregorio, ciociaria, italian food, olive oil, wine

Intro to Casa Gregorio, arrivederci Roma!

ITALY | Friday, 8 Mar 2013 | Views [813]

           Our last morning in Rome we went to the breakfast that came with our hotel. I sort of wished we’d taken advantage of this breakfast, as it was really good and the cook was very friendly ... Read more >

Tags: castro dei volsci, cats, ciociaria, hilltops, italian food

Roma Day 2!

ITALY | Monday, 4 Mar 2013 | Views [459] | Comments [1]

Hello again! I should mention that although I have only posted til day 2, we have been in Italy nearly 6 days. It takes me a while to write things, and the jet lag has limited my ability to stay awake. Fortunately where we are now is allowing me more ... Read more >

Tags: gelato, rain, sistine chapel, the vatican, trevi fountain

First day in Roma

ITALY | Monday, 4 Mar 2013 | Views [546] | Comments [2]

Well here we are! We have been here in Rome for 3 days, and I couldn’t tell you what my first impressions are of this city. Rome feels at once like a disaster of styles and time periods fighting with each other, and then like a crumbling empire ... Read more >

Tags: colosseum, history, pantheon, rome

Photos: Roma!

ITALY | Friday, 1 Mar 2013 | Photo Gallery

See all 14 photos >>

10 Days to go!

CANADA | Sunday, 17 Feb 2013 | Views [685]

“It’s an irritating reality that many places and events defy description. Angkor Wat and Machu Picchu, for instance, seem to demand silence, like a love affair you can never talk about. For a while after, you fumble for words, trying vainly ... Read more >

Tags: dream, intro, memories, travel

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