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There are [0] photos and [4] stories tagged with "casa gregorio".

Arrivederci Casa Gregorio!

ITALY | Saturday, 16 Mar 2013 | Views [980]

This day was our last full day at Casa Gregorio. When we got up for breakfast we all knew that it was coming to an end. Breakfast was, as always, delicious, and consisted of the usual frittatas, fresh melon, croissants, coffee, mystery green juice (which ... Read more >

Tags: arrivederci, casa gregorio, farm restaurant, pizza, shopping, sorrento

Casa Gregorio day 4 & 5

ITALY | Thursday, 14 Mar 2013 | Views [648]

Day 4 at Casa Gregorio began with a visit to a farm. As we stepped out of the vans we were met with the familiar smell of cow manure blowing on the wet breeze. I don’t mind the smell, it reminds me of being on Erin’s farm when I was young.... Read more >

Tags: casa gregorio, erzinio, farm, gnocchi, pasta, prosciutto

Casa Gregorio day 3

ITALY | Tuesday, 12 Mar 2013 | Views [494] | Comments [1]

So sorry for the delay, we have been traveling and going to bed early. Where was I? Oh yes! Casa Gregorio day 3. We left the house early this day and went down to the local market to pick up some items for dinner that night. We also had a chance to ... Read more >

Tags: antipasti, appian way, casa gregorio, fossanova abbey, mozzarella, terracina

Casa Gregorio day 2

ITALY | Saturday, 9 Mar 2013 | Views [690]

Our first night at Casa Gregorio we went to a pizzeria for dinner. It should have been a sign of things to come when Gregory ordered 12 different kinds of pizza including the best four cheese pizza I’ve ever tasted. There were also types with sausage, ... Read more >

Tags: arpino, casa gregorio, ciociaria, italian food, olive oil, wine

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