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No Espanol! Bus and Bike across Latino America

Gallery: Pantanal

BRAZIL | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: More Quito

ECUADOR | Saturday, 12 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Monkeys

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Photo Gallery

Monkeys of the Mirador!
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They are all Animals!

BOLIVIA | Wednesday, 9 Jul 2008 | Views [2312] | Comments [2]

After a few days following Che to his final resting place on a mortuary slab in a Hospital in the small town of Vallagrande we took a bus to Villa Tunari a small town on route Cochabamba. Our plan was to check out the Animal sanctuary Inti Yara ... Read more >

Tags: inti yara wassi

Is it Raining! - The Pantanal!

BRAZIL | Friday, 2 May 2008 | Views [765]

Leaving Paraguay was not so straight forward as we had expected. The plan was to get a bus to the Brazilian border from Conception and then take another bus or two over night to the Brazilian town of Corumba. However we should have realised that plans ... Read more >

Paraguay why!!

PARAGUAY | Wednesday, 26 Mar 2008 | Views [534]

We are currently in the sleepy town of Conception pretty much in the centre of Paraguay, after recently deciding to visit this country only because very few tourists actually do and also because when we told people we were coming here their immediate ... Read more >

New Trip!!

PARAGUAY | Wednesday, 26 Mar 2008 | Views [651]

I have now been travelling throughout South America for over nine months, however if you view my journals you could be forgiven for not believing this (I could never be called a prolific writer). My latest travels began in Ecuador where I ... Read more >

Gallery: Ecuador_Banos

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 19 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Patagonia

ARGENTINA | Tuesday, 18 Mar 2008 | Photo Gallery

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6 June 2007 - Latacunga

ECUADOR | Wednesday, 6 Jun 2007 | Views [528]

I have now done two days cycling and reached Latacunga. The first day was an experience, (35 miles) getting out of Quito was quite hard as most of it was uphill with a cloud of diesel fumes from all the trucks and buses that past by. I made it ... Read more >

Tags: cycling

1 June 2007 - Still in Quito

ARGENTINA | Friday, 1 Jun 2007 | Views [406]

Woke up this morning feeling lousy - sore throat and a head cold I thought I was going to feel like this all day but it has worn off. I again had doubts as to whether I would be able to cycle at this alttitude but by the afternoon I felt ... Read more >

Gallery: Ecuador Quito

ECUADOR | Thursday, 31 May 2007 | Photo Gallery

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31 May 2007 - Quito

ECUADOR | Thursday, 31 May 2007 | Views [492]

Hello!! I have made it safely and the bike is up and running, I took it to a bike shop today and got it serviced. The chap spoke no English and as you know I speak no Spanish but we muddled through. I then got lost on the streets of Quito which ... Read more >

Tags: cycling