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Writing postcards to a stranger chosen from the phone book.

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 29 Feb 2024 | Views [93]

Back in the day, it was common, whilst travelling, to write postcards to your friends and family. It was a bit of a chore though, to be honest. Who could be bothered to take time out of their holiday and think of something to write on the back of a postcard? ... Read more >

Horny German Truck Driver šŸŽµšŸ˜‚šŸš›

GERMANY | Sunday, 17 Sep 2023 | Views [104]

The Horny German Truck Driver    Have you ever been offered sex for money but weren’t sure if you had to pay or if the other person was going to pay? Have you ever felt you were unwittingly living out a scene from a German porno ... Read more >

Quokkas vs Seagulls on Rottnest Island

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 1 Dec 2016 | Views [473]

Rottnest Island is famous for its little, hopping, fury quokkas. But who knew it’s the seagulls there that one has to be careful of? My girlfriend, Margarita, and I travelled to Rottnest Island one Friday recently. Rottnest Island is a small ... Read more >

Playa, Petra and Pyramids. I

ISRAEL | Wednesday, 4 Nov 2015 | Views [367]

August 2015: I hopped off the bus in Eilat and the extreme heat was like a punch in the face it was so strong – around the 40°C mark. Buses and public indoor areas in Israel have the a/c on so high that you freeze to death. Then when ... Read more >

Playa, Petra and Pyramids. II

JORDAN | Wednesday, 4 Nov 2015 | Views [287]

August 2015: It was a weird silence as we walked through no-man’s land. We had passed through the border control of Israel and next was the border control for Jordan. Between the two, was a passage way of about 100 metres one had to walk ... Read more >

Playa, Petra and Pyramids. III

EGYPT | Wednesday, 4 Nov 2015 | Views [447]

August 2015: We were already anxious about travelling to Egypt before we even crossed the border from Eilat in Israel to Taba in Egypt. The Australian government website smarttraveller.com.au which, amongst other things, gives up to date travel ... Read more >

A flying visit to India.

INDIA | Tuesday, 29 Sep 2015 | Views [465]

On my recent trip to Europe from Australia. I flew with Air India which included an overnight stop-over in New Delhi. The flight over was only half full so my girlfriend and I had an extra seat to stretch out in. The noteworthy thing about the flight, ... Read more >

The birth of Spaceman Africa.

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 31 Jan 2015 | Views [2334]

To find out the unique story of Spaceman Africa, buy his memoir  Who's that Weirdo Dancing in the Corner?,  available now at all major online bookstores in paperback and ebook.    Read the blurb here:   Have you ever ... Read more >

A little bit about where I'm from - Canberra, Australia.

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 31 Jan 2015 | Views [689]

2013 marked the 100 th  anniversary of Canberra as Australia’s capital city. After a lot of debate and searching for potential locations, Canberra became the site for the nation’s capital in 1908 by way of a ballot in Parliament. ... Read more >

The other way to get to Playa Blanca, Colombia.

COLOMBIA | Friday, 27 Jun 2014 | Views [794]

“15,000 pesos? Forget that. I’m going to walk.” “It’s 20km away.” “OK. Maybe not.” I read on the internet that it’s possible to travel by land independently from Cartagena to the paradisiacal ... Read more >

Itā€™s not every day you return to the scene of the crime.

AUSTRALIA | Friday, 25 Apr 2014 | Views [355]

It’s not every day you return to the scene of the crime. Actually, make that the scene of two crimes. After two years out of town, today I returned to my childhood neighbourhood shopping centre. As a teenager, I used to shoplift magazines from ... Read more >

ā€˜Iā€™m from the future.ā€™

BOLIVIA | Tuesday, 4 Mar 2014 | Views [437]

‘Oh sorry, I’ve got my back to you.’   ‘No. It’s OK.’                          ... Read more >

To surf ... is to paddle?

PERU | Thursday, 31 Oct 2013 | Views [652]

Many people I meet on my travels are surprised when I tell them I’m Australian and I don’t surf. I grew up in Canberra which is inland, a two and a half hour drive from the coast. Instead of surfing, being able to play an instrument is very ... Read more >

The Galapagos Islands; sea-lions, snorkelling and sharks.

ECUADOR | Saturday, 26 Oct 2013 | Views [3545] | Comments [1] | Video

I was unsure as to whether or not I would go to the Galapagos Islands. But I met some fellow travellers who raved about it and really recommended it. They said the flight there is the most expensive thing; once you're there it's cheap. I'd heard ... Read more >

Rafting in BaƱos.

ECUADOR | Friday, 13 Sep 2013 | Views [743]

'When saving someone from the water, make sure you save the paddle first. It’s worth $40.’ We all laughed at the instructor’s priorities during his safety presentation but he was actually serious. To effectively pull someone out ... Read more >

Welcome Back (continued).

BOLIVIA | Monday, 13 May 2013 | Views [730]

Well, it would appear I was a bit premature in thinking the drama of my road trip from Buenos Aires to Cochabamba was over and that the last leg from Sucre would be all smooth sailing. How I was wrong. Not to worry. I've been premature before and everything ... Read more >

Welcome Back.

BOLIVIA | Thursday, 9 May 2013 | Views [757]

So after an awesome two month holiday in Australia, I headed back to South America. My trip back was perfect; everything went well. I caught my bus in Canberra on time; got to Sydney airport no problem; checked-in with plenty of time and ... Read more >

One year on.

CHILE | Thursday, 14 Jun 2012 | Views [620]

So it's now one year since I left Australia and once again my travel plans have been delayed due to bad weather. Just as my flight was delayed 12 months ago from LA to Costa Rica, I'm now confined to Santiago, Chile, as the road to Argentina through ... Read more >

No penguins at Machu Picchu.

PERU | Saturday, 26 May 2012 | Views [778] | Comments [2]

So, I left Bolivia last month after seven months there.  I finshed my volunteer work in Cochabamba which was a shame. I would have stayed longer if possible but my visa finishing was a problem. The last two months there really took off for me and ... Read more >

Part 3: Carnaval wrap-up.

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 24 Mar 2012 | Views [835]

A good time to visit a place is during the national or town celebrations as you get an insight in to the culture of the place and experience something you wouldn’t normally get to experience. For example, witnessing fifty grown men, from the army ... Read more >

Bolivia's Got Talent.

BOLIVIA | Friday, 9 Mar 2012 | Views [1402]

As we jumped out of the micro-bus and surveyed our surroundings, one couldn't help but think that we'd landed in the future, sometime after Armageddon. The rocky, treeless landscape with tangerine coloured bricked houses as far as the eye could see, ... Read more >

Part 2: Worth the Pain.

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 3 Mar 2012 | Views [1946]

There’s a famous quote that goes, ‘ The coldest winter I ever spent was a summer in San Francisco.’ I think the same could be said about Bolivia, as well. On the bus trip to Carnaval in Oruro, we experienced snow yet officially it ... Read more >

Part 1: Let the games begin.

BOLIVIA | Saturday, 3 Mar 2012 | Views [1792]

February 12 2012 It's Carnaval time and from what I’ve seen on TV, during carnaval I’m going to be surrounded by about 1000 of my closest friends; everyone will be having a great time dancing in the streets; I’ll have beautiful women ... Read more >

Por favor.

URUGUAY | Sunday, 22 Jan 2012 | Views [1918]

From Buenos Aires, I took a relaxing three hour ferry to Colonia in Uruguay. From there it was a four hour bus journey to the capital, Montevideo. The countryside on the way to Montevideo was flat, green and with lots of palm trees. That ... Read more >


ARGENTINA | Sunday, 22 Jan 2012 | Views [546]

So getting back to my trip in Argentina, I left the rain of Salta and caught the overnight bus to the sunshine of Córdoba - in a first-class suite, no less. Not that I've ever flown in first calss, but from what I've seen, this experience was ... Read more >

Go fly a kite.

BRAZIL | Sunday, 8 Jan 2012 | Views [2120] | Video

Greetings from Sáo Paulo in Brazil. I've had quite an interesting few days.   Friday, two days ago, I was denied permission to board a flight to Bolivia as I didn't have an onward ticket. Immigration like to know you're going ... Read more >

U R Gay.

URUGUAY | Tuesday, 27 Dec 2011 | Views [2208]

Seeing Uruguay approaching as I stood on the deck of the ferry from Buenos Aires, I laughed to myself as I remembered the Homer Simpson quote: ā€œHa ha! Look at this country! U R Gay! Ha ha! (looking at Uruguay on the globe).ā€ IĀ“ve been here in Uruguay ... Read more >

Don't cry for me, Argentina.

ARGENTINA | Friday, 9 Dec 2011 | Views [2167]

Well, I've realised a long-time dream by coming to Argentina but it hasn't stopped raining the three days I've been here. Don't cry for me , Argentina.Ā That should change though when I travel from Salta, where I am now, south to Cordoba, where it should ... Read more >

Ay Caramba, Cochabamba

BOLIVIA | Friday, 9 Dec 2011 | Views [3891] | Video

Hello shakers and groovers, Life here in Cochabamba, Bolivia, is pretty good. I've had my ups and downs but the last few weeks I quite enjoyed. The weather kicks arse as it's always sunny which makes for a good vibe with all the palm trees in ... Read more >

Seven weeks in Peru

PERU | Thursday, 15 Sep 2011 | Views [543]

Today(Thursday 15th) is my last day in Peru before I head off to Bolivia tomorrow. Peru highlights: Arrive at Lima airport and was granted entry in to the country without any problems - woohoo. It would have been very anticlimatic had I been turned ... Read more >

Surf's up.

COSTA RICA | Thursday, 15 Sep 2011 | Views [1862]

An interesting bit of information: even in Costa Rica they don't show the dentist's face in toothbrush comercials. So, my last week and a bit in Costa Rica was checking out the beautiful beaches I'd heard so much about. First beach town was Tamarindo.... Read more >

Thank God you're here

COSTA RICA | Monday, 25 Jul 2011 | Views [1584]

I travelled from La Fortuna to nearby Monteverde, taking the scenic route which included a boat trip across the very serene Lake Arenal. I arrived to find Monteverde playing host to an annual mountainbike race and thus a lot of the hotels were full. ... Read more >

Prepare for ludicrous speed.

COSTA RICA | Monday, 25 Jul 2011 | Views [388]

About two weeks ago, I travelled to La Fortuna situated at the foot of the active volcano, Arenal. I had a really good conversation with the woman sitting next to me on the bus. I feel my spanish is improving. I arrived in town and stayed in the hotel ... Read more >

Did the earth move for you?

COSTA RICA | Tuesday, 19 Jul 2011 | Views [296]

The other day I was hanging out with this guy who was doing some important colouring in {what colouring in isn't, right?} when I started to feel a vibration coming through the floor of the building. Then all of a sudden there was a big shudder and the ... Read more >

LifeĀ“s a beach.

COSTA RICA | Sunday, 10 Jul 2011 | Views [548]

The first weekend of July, having finished my two weeks of Spanish study, I set off from San Isidro and headed south to the Osa Peninsula, home to the Corcovada National Park. After a hot and sweaty, and full and cramped, bus trip, I arrived ... Read more >


COSTA RICA | Friday, 1 Jul 2011 | Views [405]

With the weekend off from classes, last weekend I went to the coast and hit the tourist trail. I went to a small place called Manual Antonio which has a few beaches and a small national park.  After arriving at 11am, I´d found a place to ... Read more >

Are you hungry?

COSTA RICA | Wednesday, 22 Jun 2011 | Views [482]

So, I survived the bus journey along the mountain of death. I mistakenly said in my last post that it is 3300 feet. It's actually 3300 metres - 11,000 feet. The bus set off in San José in very sunny weather. Over the next hour and a half, as the ... Read more >

Pura Vida

COSTA RICA | Sunday, 19 Jun 2011 | Views [495]

I´ve been in Costa Rica a few days now but a bit confused as to how many. Having flown in from Australia, I experienced the same day twice and with my sleeping habits now at odd hours, my sense of time is a bit skewed. However, I have had a relaxing ... Read more >

I love U...

COSTA RICA | Saturday, 18 Jun 2011 | Views [828]

Well, despite not having alcohol to liven things up (I've quit drinking), my flights to Costa Rica weren´t without some moments of note. Thankfully, my flight departed from Sydney without any interference from the ash cloud of the Chile volcano.... Read more >

Photos: Spaceman

AUSTRALIA | Saturday, 11 Jun 2011 | Photo Gallery

Canberra, Australia.
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