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Italy 2012

My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited

Italy | Friday, January 11, 2013 | 5 photos

I love to travel and try to capture both the landscape and the people in the places I visit. I have been across Canada, around the USA, through Europe, from Singapore to Bangkok, into China and Vietnam as well as around and to the centre of Australia. I recently completed a 2 year commercial photography course at Tafe and have taken 6 months off from my day job to concentrate on my photography. I hope to do some traveling during this 6 months to perfect my techniques in both landscape and natural light portrait photography. I am also trying to set up a small studio where I can do classic and experimental portraits. While I love getting up early and taking landscape shots, I find people (including myself) connect more with pictures with people. They give the landscape context. In some ways people are a contrast to their landscape. When I travel I like to find contrasts in the places I am visiting: such as rich and poor, serene and chaotic, night and day. I also like to capture the way people actually live, so that often means making friends with local people and being sensitive to their culture and way of life.

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