So, yeah.
Last minute shennanigans out of the way, sitting around at an internet cafe in order to avoid sitting around at the airport. Because that's so much better :)
Actually, it is - much better coffee here; Holy Bob am I going to miss Cosmo.
I wonder if the coffee in China will be better or worse than the North American Cofkljhgsafie - sorry my fingers refuse to acknowledge that what they serve in NA is actually coffee, they won't let me type the phrase.
My fingers are way smarter than me. Especially the middle one; I keep trying to show people how smart it is - but they just get angry whenever I try to demonstrate. People can be very close-minded.
Starting to think I should perhaps maybe consider the possibility that figuring out where I'm going to stay in Honk Kong would be a good idea about now.
On the other hand, that would constitute planning. Bleargh.
Wish me luck!