back to belgium for the weekend.
jim and i met at kings cross train station to get the train to belgium. it was awesome being in belgium again, it was a good vibe. and the closer we got to the qontinent festival, you could smell the festival vibe.
i ran into heaps of ppl that remembered me from tomorrow land. i wish i remembered all them all, but i met so many people and was very drunk. even photographers and the film crew remembered me.
at the pre party one of the djs. i think it was dr phunk hell wanted me, but jim was getting jealous so i kept rejecting him. i got his number when i ran into him the next day i was of my chops on pills. some guy gave me half a pill, and then jim gave me a half. the pills were like the ones when i was younger. pure awesomeness. it was so good feeling the same way i did from back then. the atmosphere, ppl, music, everything. it took me to a good place. i ended up sitting in a hamock with some dude that was pilling and you could tell they were hell cleen.was i was off chops.
i thought it was pretty cool that dj wanted me. maybe i'll run into him at def qon 1 australia. he said i should move to the Netherlands.
i saw about 5 ppl drop to the floor and get taken away in stretches. one of the randoms i was with ( the 2 boys dressed in white who gave me the hald pill) freaked the fuck out so me and his mate had to take him to first aid. his mate who gave me the pill kept asking if i was ok. i was like dude im 23 and i used to be a pill head, i can handle my drugs. :P
on the morning of the 3ed day, when i went to get some breakfast i ran into a group of pirates. they were so cool. i found out where they were going and said i will see them later
i lost my phone on the third day at the french invasion tent. i was spuing cause i dont loose things. i just dont. and i dont know how i lost it cause it was within like 3 min. and i was the only person dancing at this stage. i got a photographers website down and put it in my pocket and then i went to wrtie the details of one of the film guys. and it was gone. i was cut. because i lost all my videos of tomorrow land...and sex vids
i lost jim, i knew he would be at b-fronts set cause he was playing live. and i i did not see him, i knew something was up. so after his set i went back to the tent (luckey i had my australian sim in my dads phone) and tried to get in contact with him. turns out he fell asleep when he went to go charge his phone.
neophytes set was fucking amazing, last time i sw him i was 18 or 19, at the rise. which was a tiney trance/hard dance club. and rembering the audience from then. like 100 seeing him in belgium with like 100,000 ppl. was pretty cool.
At the end i still wanted drinks since i had tickets. but they went selling any so i jumped over the bar and started to serve ppl foam. cause the beer taps ran out of beer. then i got in trouble.
when the festival ended i did what i did on the last night of tomorrow land, and that was run a muck in tent land very very drunk looking for after parties.
i was with the boys dressed in white, but then i lost them at the toilet. and missioned around my self. made heaps of friends. in the end i was to drunk to walk. i made it back to the tent :D