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On the Loose So, Here I go!! I will add updates frequently with pic's so you can all live vicariously through me!! and join me whenever possible- Love and Peace to you all, I will miss you, hoping to be back soon with a whole new life!!

day 6

USA | Saturday, 8 September 2007 | Views [367]

Day started at 3:30am with a fire alarm!!! Never been in a hotelfor a fire alarm, don't worry about not waking up...not an option! at 3:28am big commotion in the hall, drunk male voices...then blaring, honking, screaming alarm, 1st thought drunk assholes ruining my precious sleep!!!! Hope it will just go away...nope...Get up and get dressed, look out in hall, OMG I see smoke!! Ok so fire for real???? No one else seems very concerned, announcement over PA saying fire alarm activated on 15th floor, um thats me, fire dept en route to check it out...so a little instruction please...do I rush out or wait for firemen, noone seems quite sure, so I walk over to check the stairwell, OK alot of other people look like they know what to do.....stairwell is packed, so I jump in line, might as well be safe....walk down my 15 flights and out onto the street, oh ya, lets look for George Clooney, maybe Reese Witherspoon, instead see Sienna Miller....walk in front door to desk to let them know of the drunks and antics in hall just prior to alarm, they have been notified and are investigating...I think you owe it to all the people who just crawled out of bed, some walking down 50 flights of stairs to get your cameras on and figure out what room these irritants were in.....

Very short sleep to am...another LONG day at the forum, quite emotional and frighteningly real. Am really amazed at the realizations I am coming across here. too beat to type, Later...

Tags: Adrenaline



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