Found out this am I could not leave for Chamonix until tomorrow so I went to the tourisma to find a cheap hotel...Found Compte Hotel Nice 35 euros,ok so train is 7am how bad can- it be... better than my 110 euros talked down to 70 euros with breakfast from the night before...better room and cleaner...I ask for a dinner recommendation and take the one they give me and end up paying 42 euros for dinner!!!! but so worth it!
Lovely gourmet meal, rack of lamb with herbs de provence and aubergine cake and carrots and hericots vert and potatoes it was so good and I was the only one in there so special attention!!!!!! Beautiful Cote de Provence wine and Kir and special dessert, oh and chef special, ricotta herbs de provence on brushetta for appetizer per the chef...I would rather do it this way every time!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry my veggie friends the lamb and duck here are the specialities so I must!!! Heading to bed and hoping to sleep after all that wine and kir...kir is cassis and white wine as an apertif....
Bon Soir off to Chamonix at 7am