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Joe and Sarah's Adventures


There are [0] photos and [3] stories tagged with "trekking".

Chiang Mai and Pai, Thailand

THAILAND | Wednesday, 9 Jan 2013 | Views [8400] | Comments [2]

After yet another harrowing and sleepless overnight busride, we arrived safe and sound in our first stop in Thailand- Chiang Mai! Rather, we arrived somewhere outside of Chiang Mai. We've started to become accustomed to one of the tourist traps of Southeast ... Read more >

Tags: chiang mai, fishing, gecko, king, night market, pai, queen, temple, thailand, trekking

Luang Prabang, Laos

LAOS | Wednesday, 28 Nov 2012 | Views [4919] | Comments [1]

Welcome to Laos! The Land of a Thousand Elephants! Making new friends in Laos! Here's a little background for those of you who (like us before this trip) know nothing about Laos. 1. Laos is the only land-locked country in Southeast Asia, with ... Read more >

Tags: elephants, hill tribe, hmong, kayak, kuang si, laos, luang prabang, tad-se, trekking, waterfalls

Phong Nha Farmstay, Vietnam

VIETNAM | Saturday, 20 Oct 2012 | Views [6499] | Comments [3]

Immediately after one of the lowest points of our trip, we had one of the highest. While Sarah was sick, we'd discussed where to move on from Hue and we came across a small mention in our Lonely Planet Vietnam guidebook. It highlighted a place called ... Read more >

Tags: caves, central vietnam, paradise cave, phong nha cave, phong nha farmstay, phong nha-ke bang national park, trekking

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