Todas a hola, sorry the break in blogs but i´ve been really busy. Ok let me do a quick i came of the ferry and came took a 12 hour bus ride from puerto montt to santiago.
Santiago is the most modern and westernized city in all of southern america. Amazing clean, modern (flat screen tv´s in subway stations, puts nyc to absolute shame), effecient metro system. However, the city is rather boring for tourists, only about a day, maybe 2 of sightseeing. So i spent 3 days in santiago, one of them being chritmas eve, which we went partying out on the town!! and then christmas we all fought off hangovers by going to the only place open for food, MCDONALDS! santiago was a ghosttown, everybody was inside with family. The day after christmas we went to vina del mar, which is on the beach about an 1.5 hours away from santiago.
Vina del mar is awesome...real upscale, ritzy beach town...spent 3 days on the beach soakin the rays...the water is absolutely friggin cold though bc of the ocean currents the antartic waters come up and they make going into the water rather courageous. We did howver go in a couple of times..we partied more in vina del and my british friend martin got totally ripped one night and i dont remember going home...ikes..anyways good fun!!
next to valparaiso for the best nye party in south america