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Day 14 Kaiserhof - Linz ( 34 kms)

AUSTRIA | Sunday, 22 June 2008 | Views [476] | Comments [3]

Barely a hundred kilometers south-east of Germany and they are having a heatwave. The ground is to dry to pitch your tent proberly, the air is too dry to breath and the insects are loving it and you.

Good job I only had to do 33 kilometers today. My shoulder is being uncooperative and so is the weather - 38.5 degree, as well as the country. Thought I had seen the last of the locks but they built two more just to spite me. In the Austrian's favour I have to say at least they are providing Kayak trolley on which you can put fully loaded kayaks. It's just a little complicated when you are on your own and don't want to get your water shoes wet cause they smell if you do...

I'm boiling, sweating I'm melting!!! Have I told you? It's hot!! Therefore I decided to go for a swim - in the Danube of course but not in the nude like everyone else seems to favour it here - after all I'm almost European. Still, I'm finally in the water and the Kayak safely onshore with all the hatches open in preparation for making lunch. The Danube Liner 'Regina' is passing by, creating a wave big enough to capsize my boat on land and dragging it into the river. I turned into a dolphin - had no idea I could swim like that. However, as I'm sitting safely in this internet place you may assume I got boat and most of my stuff back.

Liverpool is this year's European city of culture. Apparently it's Linz 2009 - check it out here: http://www.linz.at/



Hi German:
First of all I have to say that your journal is fantastic, and the photos are amazing… I simply love them!
I’m a little concerned about your health, old man; how is your shin? (the one you had to operate by yourself). I’m not saying that you’re not skilful, but thinking about you “operating” with a needle… It just sends me shivers down my spine :) I’ve also read that your shoulder keeps on giving you trouble. When you come back from your “relaxing” trip you’re not going to need a physiotherapist ;) but a mechanic XD
As you’re interested in football I have to tell you that a few hours ago Spain defeated Italy, so we are in the semi-final of the European Championship… (so don’t be too hopeful that Germany is going to win) :P
Keep on enjoying your chocolate!
Kisses and hugs,

  Vane Jun 23, 2008 9:45 AM


Hi Ralph,

Have been reading your journal - great to hear your news and that you're making good progress despite major leg op, shoulder probs and smelly shoes. Can't help re leg or shoulder, but for advice on smelly shoes, please see notes on 'George has rolled in something disgusting'!

Keep paddling and eating balanced diet of chocolate and ice cream.


  Sue Jun 23, 2008 9:38 PM


Hi gorgeous

I can't believe you're really doing this - I thought the kayak was going to be some sort of garden ornament or something. I had always thought that you weren't quite normal but everyone else seems to think that what you're doing (even in severe pain) is a fantastic idea so maybe it's me that's not normal. (Actually, come to think of it ...)

I understand exactly what you're saying about the heat. I've just come back from Greece and it was 38 - 40C. It's absolute hell, isn't it? Honestly, lying under an umbrella, drinking cocktails (and you know how I like a cocktail) whilst debating how many more puddings you can cram down is exhausting in those temperatures. How have we managed to cope so well, Ralph?

Anyway, must get back to work. Paul's not in today so Sue's watching the tennis and I'm off to see what's on the lunch menu before surfing to find another holiday.

Take care of yourself and if it hurts too much get someone to rub something nice on it ... I mean on your body ...or your shoulder ... oh, on whatever you want them to rub it on - what the heck, you're on holiday after all.

(... you're mad, totally mad...)

Lots of love


(... positively insane...)

  Elaine Jun 23, 2008 10:33 PM

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