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My Adventure Around the World

Laos- Four Thousand Islands, Pakse, Vientaine and Luang Prabang

LAOS | Sunday, 5 April 2009 | Views [1230] | Comments [2]

Sabaidee from Laos


Today we got back on a plane, albeit for 55mins!  The flight took off early and there was only 15 people on board, all Westerners.  The plane could have heldabout 70 ish.  Got a taxi into town (Pakse) and then found somewhere for a drink and got told there was a mini van going to the 4,000 Islands.  We took that and finally (after lots of stops for the 2 locals on board to do some shopping) arrived at the river.  The driver paid someone to take us to Don Det.  By then it was dark so we were limited on where we could find to stay.  We found somewhere, it was full of bugs and had communal bug filled loos, will check out in the morning.  It turns out that the island only has electricity from 6.30pm-10pm as it is all on generators.


Left the bags at the guesthouse and walked 4kms and found River Garden Guesthouse, we were planning on going to the other island but checked out the rooms and they were nice so we stayed.  Realised later that there was no sink in the room...!!  Least this one had a bug net.  Cycled around the island twice, in the heat, really nice ride and saw the way the locals live, really rural.  Had to avoid lots of chickens, chicks, ducks, water buffalo, cattle and kids. 


It was so hot that we got up earlyish, rented a bike from the guesthouse and headed for the bridge to the other island.  Worst cycling roads ever, had to walk the bike it was so bumpy in places.  Really not a good day to cycle cos of the heat and roads, had to find my happy place a few times!!  Really could have done with a fan in the day but beacuse of the no electricity that wasn't going to happen.  Left the bikes on our island and went for dinner on the other island.  Had to walk back in the dark as we hadn't taken a torch and they only have lights where there are houses/restaurants.  Power went out at 9.30pm tonight.  Thank god I was already in bed!


Left for Pakse at 11am.  Picked the worst seats on the bus, above the wheel arch so legs got very cramped.  What a relief to get off the bus. Had to carry the bags down a somewhat steep river bank to the boat that took us to the mainland. So glad I made it without slipping and embarrassing myself!  Went online and spoke to my family on facebook chat, that was really nice. 


Hired a scooter today and went out to the Bolvean Plateau.  Saw a couple of waterfalls and smelt/saw a (jasmine) tea plantation.  Got caught in a rain downpour so had to take shelter under someone's shack/shop.  Damn all this being caught in the rain on scooters.  The umbrella wasn't big enough for us and the bag- note to self, remember to pack the poncho!  Had to catch the sleeper bus, when it eventually turned up 30mins late.  Rather than the single beds on the Vietnam buses, it was a small double bed.  So paranoid about falling out again as we were on the upper level.  Memories of Vietnam all over again.


Arrived at Vientaine at 6.30am.  Wandered around and everywhere seemed full.  Thank god we found somewhere with a room that was in the book.  Double the price of the other rooms in Laos but we are in the capital.  It was dead quiet, more like Horsham on a Sunday than a capital city!  Went to the Lao Natural History Museum, Victory Monument (it was basically a Lao version of the Arch de Triomphe (?)) and played some bowling.  I won one and Ell the other.  Walked down to the Mekong and could see Thailand the other side just begging for us.  Tried to find Chinatown, but no luck.


Today was another fun filled bus trip.  Four hours this time through the mountains.  Arrived in Vang Vieng and stayed at the first place we found- thank god we could save all the endless wandering.  Watched Family Guy over dinner.  They show re-runs of that and Friends in the cafes, what a way to spend your days, this travelling business is tough going ;)


Had breakfast while watching endless episodes of Friends.  Walked around the town for the day.  Watched more Friends over dinner and booked kayaking tour for tomorrow.


Today we went tubing in a cave.  Pitch black and they only gave us one torch between two.  There was lots of butterflies around outside the cave, really pretty.  In the afternoon we went kayaking.  Good fun again.  There was some little rapids and at one point, a herd of water buffalo in the middle of the river.  Got a bit nervous because of the big one with big horns at the end of the pack but thankfully they all decided to get out.  We managed to "beach" ourselves on a rock and then another kayak came by hit us and capsized, funny stuff!  Another kayak managed to wedge itself inbetween the bank and a tree, so funny!


Eventually left the bus station and headed into the mountains for a seven hour bus trip. There was some awesome scenary and in some places mountains as far as the eye could see.  Found a hotel by the river and had dinner overlooking the Mekong and then walked around the night market and checked out prices to fly to Chaing Mai.

So that's it so far, as you can see there isn't that much in Laos to see.  It's more of a pretty place.  Going white water kayaking tomorrow, looking forward to that and then trekking and elephant riding the day after and then flying to Chaing Mai (Thailand) on Wed, if the plans don't change!




I'm still keeping tabs on you!! You watch more tv than me!!

  Katie Lee Apr 6, 2009 7:07 AM


Brings back some great memories, I did a similar path in Laos, I cant believe you didnt spend one of the days tubing in Vang Vien along the disco river... haha One of the best days of my life.

  Lee May 10, 2009 4:43 PM

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