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A Whole New World Thanks for your prayers and your support! -Josh, Mallory, Megan, and Billy

Press On

INDIA | Tuesday, 1 July 2008 | Views [883] | Comments [10]

Tobin and I visited a church together this Sunday and he preached a powerful sermon from the book of Habbakkuk (check it out if we haven't mentioned that already). One of the things he talked about that really encouraged me was from Hebrews 10:35-39

"Therefore, do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that when you have done the will of God, you may receive what was promised. For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, and will not delay. But my righteous one shall live by FAITH; and if he shrinks back, my soul has no pleasure in him. But WE ARE NOT OF THOSE WHO SHRINK BACK to destruction, but of those WHO HAVE FAITH TO THE PERSERVING OF THE SOUL."

This was a huge encouragement to me this Sunday, and I have really been thinking about it a lot the past few days. I started to give up for a little bit in small ways. I didn't necessarily smile at every kid, I stopped thinking to be thankful for the little things, I refused to eat with my hands, and the list goes on of the little temper tantrum I decided to start throwing. I was reading this verse yesterday and was reminded - "Megan, you are not of those who shrink back! You have been given the faith to the perserving of the soul!" So I said thank you for the first time in a couple of days and today I have been fighting a battle. I'm still tired and cranky, but I am also a child of God's and therefore I need to straighten up! My apologies to Mal, Tobin, and Billy :)

For those of you at home - BE thankful! BE encouraged! Do not be afraid! Fight any shrinking back you are doing and PRESS ON!




Thanks for those words Meg. Living in utopic suburbia I get weary from the lack of interest in the things of God and may I clarify to say things of JESUS> The world seems okay with god but not Jesus. I get discouraged that my friends will never come to Christ so your words have lifted me up.

As I was praying for you guys this morning He led me to this verse which I think is particularly appropriate after my conversation with Billy about how to sell the things the women in the village are making:

Ps. 90:17 May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us; establish the work of our hands for us-yes , establish the work of our hands.

and here's a p.s. from my comments on Mall's last blog...not only are the Duxbury prayer team praying for you guys but you have people in Montana, Illinois, Texas, Pa. and Ohio praying for you as well as all the other prayer teams that have been put together for you. How amazing is that. Oh and to you Sarah Simms who I don't even know...your comments the other day really blessed me and I am praying for you in China. YOu go girl!
xoxoxox, Mrs. Rogerson
The rat story needs to be published!!!!!!

  cathy Jul 1, 2008 9:53 PM


Hey Megan, energy can run low and that can allow us to forget our purpose. Please be encouraged that the battle you are pressing on with is for the greatest cause and will have the most glorious victory!! God's encouraging words are there because we do falter, slow down or even start to stray from His path. The four of you have already started a worldwide ripple effect that has changed so many of us already, please be encouraged by the great works God has done through you four already.

Keep lifting each other up, savor the words God has for you as you spend time in his Word and in prayer, and trust the Holy Spirit to continue to do great works through you.

Maybe the rat's last name was meladi and that is why he was found in such an unfortunate state! Loved your story- I hope you get to meet more characters to write about during your stay - but maybe found further away from you guys!

In Christ,

  Sue/mals mom Jul 2, 2008 4:49 AM


Hey Meg,

First of all - loved the rat story. I wrote one about a mouse I killed in my dorm room one time, and its definitely fun to read yours about the rat. I named the mouse I killed Mr. Squishy because I killed him with a shoe. Anyway... glad you are maintaining a sense of humor about things.

I just want you to know that I think about you daily and lift you up before our FATHER while i ride the subway to and from work. I know things can be hard, but i am encouraged by your will to press on. Remember you are storing up treasures, not here and now, but for after this life. hmm, I wish I could post verses to encourage you, but I can't really be explicit. I am looking forward to hearing all about your time when we get back to school (and are neighbors!), but for now, I love reading this blog. Here's a hug for you all the way from China.

Mrs. Rogerson - I was a freshman RA last year so I am close with Mallory and Meg, and got to know Billy that way too. I actually met when you visited Billy at the end of this year. I am in China right now doing "M" work through the Red Box program at Grove City, so I can relate to alot of the feelings that the team is experiencing.

anyway, love you too Mallory. I hope you are feeling better. My boss offered to get me a Chinese boyfriend yesterday and i had to politely decline. I'd have to give up doing homework on friday nights and I just don't think I am ready for that yet :)

Josh and Billy - stay strong. only one month left!

  Sarah Sims Jul 2, 2008 4:28 PM


HI Sarah Simms...I do remember who you are now. Wow- persecution even from emailing...I will pray about that one! My the love of Christ surround you even in China where of course He reigns even if they don't acknowledge it!

And to my India precious ones...I hope you are feeling better Mal. NO FUN! May all four of you be well and see the hand of the Almighty move in your midst.

Lots of Love,
Mrs. Rogerson/Mom

  cathy Jul 3, 2008 1:55 AM


Greetings and God bless the wonderful GCC team!

I know you girls and guys all had it in you after meeting with you on the beginnings of this journey. Remember to use all of the senses that God gave you at this time, as it is so important to not only talk and teach but to listen and learn as well.

Glad to hear the lengthy trip went well, CONGRATULATIONS MALADI on your first flight (just remember the Wright brothers!)

Sorry to hear about the rat, maybe you can find one in better condition and train it, along with the monkeys!



  Dave McCreary Jul 3, 2008 10:56 AM


Meg- Thanks for this encouragement. I can't wait to hug you in the fall. And talk for hours and hours.

Guys- I just love reading your blog. I am so encouraged by your passion, your willingness to serve, and your openness to the ways the Lord wants to teach you, grow you and change you. This is as much about what He does in you as what He does through you. This will change your life, but I know you already know that.
I really only know Meg, but I sort of feel like I know all of you now. And that is something that I love. I can't wait to hear even more stories this fall.
I hope you know how valuable and how wonderful this blog is. It's so crucial to keep people informed about what you are doing- You never walk alone when you tell people what's going on. So, thank you.
Lifting you guys up.
Blessings and a lot of love,

  Leslie B. Jul 3, 2008 10:39 PM


HAPPY 4TH OF JULY TO ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  cathy Jul 4, 2008 4:59 AM


Okay, here I am AGAIN. I just can't resist talking to you and hopefully encouraging you in what you are doing. Billy called this morning...Boston tea party in India haha. You guys are hysterical.

My word for you today is one big fat promise from God found in Psalm 91. There are so many promises in it that I want to highlight a few of them.

It starts off by saying :
"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty".

I was having a biopsy last year and this is the scripture I had memorized and I swear to you that the Almighty HImself came into the hospital room and covered me with the shadow of his wings. I felt such peace. He showed me that His word is true and can be trusted.

My friend Duncan Hill says" just stay in Dad's pocket."
That is one way to think of dwelling in the shelter of God. Dwell...abide...stick to HIm like glue...spend time with Him.

The promises in this psalm say that if we make God our dwelling place then: he will save you from the fowlers snare/he will cover you/ you won't need to fear disaster/no harm will befall you/ he will command his angels concerning you/you will tread on the lion and cobra[i think in this sentence that is a metaphor]/he will answer you when you call /he will be with you in trouble/he will deliver you / he will honor you / he will satisfy you with long life/he will show you his salvation.

So my four precious missionaries and all of you others who are reading this...DWELL in God's shelter...stay in HIs pocket and from that position you have so much power. Don't shrink back as Megan was saying the other day. You have the postion of authority as God's child. But remember you have to dwell in God's shelter. Don't move out of position. STAY in the shelter of the Most High.

He longs to bless you and so just trust that He is using you even if you can't see results. Trust Him , Rest in Him , Stay in Him. Then all the hard things you are asked to walk through become purposeful and victorious.

Love you guys,
Mrs. R./mom

  Cathy Jul 5, 2008 1:13 AM


Hey wonderful India team!!!
Meg - thanks for the verse! it was a huge encouragement to me as i'm at camp and its sometimes hard to have faith to persevere.

To the four of you - i haved loved reading some of your blog! It's encouraging and so great to know that you are spreading the kindgdom around the world. You're in my prayers! May God continue to bless you and the work you're doing :)


  Justin Jul 6, 2008 7:37 AM


Right on Meg. Rock and roll, Team India. There is such abundant grace given to us to do the will of God. My prayer is that you will see that grace and use it in a way that allows you to make the most of your time there. Jim Elliot: "Wherever you are, be all there--live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God." I think ya'll are in the will of God--keep being "all there" and pouring out the incredible, divine, life-changing love that's in you! Joshua, I am sick of running by myself so hurry home! I swear I'm the only person in this town that wears short shorts when you're not here. Billy, I just miss you and I hope to hang in Duxbury for a day or two in August. Mallory...I have yet to watch the hick wedding TV show, but I have some great hick stories for you from small-town Virginia. Megan, I am moving in with your Seany soon and I can't wait. That about covers it.

I'm praying! Do well.

  Daniel Jul 12, 2008 1:25 PM

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