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My travelling My aussie trip from the 6th of September 2006 to the 16th of May 2007 and Thailand from the 16th of May 2007 to 2nd of June 2007.

Gallery: Thailand

THAILAND | Thursday, 13 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Australia

AUSTRALIA | Thursday, 13 Sep 2007 | Photo Gallery

Backapacking in OZ
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UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 15 Jun 2007 | Views [408]

Well already when I was in Australia I decided that I wanted to go to London. Never been there before and it's only and hour and a half with plane. After beeing in Australia and see all those distances which might be normal down there, like 12 hour drive ... Read more >

Tags: Sightseeing


THAILAND | Sunday, 3 Jun 2007 | Views [457]

The plane from Australia took me to Bangkok from Sydney, almost a 10 hour flight. Stayed on the aiport there for 12hours before I got on a plane to Phuket. Hard to be awake almost 24 hours just sitting still doing nothing. In Phuket I stayed at Patong ... Read more >

Tags: Markets

My Aussie trip

SWEDEN | Sunday, 3 Jun 2007 | Views [772]

Well, from the time I decided that I'd go to the land Downunder, time went quickly. As the day of my departure I was actually relaxed and didn't worry. My family did it for me. Sad goodbye at the airport in Copenhagen and almost 24 hours later I arrived ... Read more >

Tags: Travel Tips

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