I am glad to be home. There is no place like home. Let's find out how long I say this for. The first thing I did when I got home was unpack, do laundry, and shower. The next thing I did was order Dominoes Pizza. It's been four months since I"ve had american pizza. I ordered 3 mediums...one for me and two for everyone else...an entire pie just for me. Next I gave out gifts...if they only knew how much time and effort I put into the selecting things that were useful, meaningful, small and light. Not so easy to keep a pack less than 15 kilo's for 4 months. Thank God, Aalop rescued Kelly and I by bringing things home. A special thank you to Aalop Shah for bringing the red bag home :)
Today, I watched a blockbuster movie, had more pizza with Kelly and listened to Krup at Paneera's and yes updated my chronicles.