My Scholarship entry - A 'place' I have visited
Mongolia | Sunday, January 13, 2013 | 4 photos
I have been passionate about photography since my dad first let me fire the shutter of his SLR when I was 7 years old. As a result I studied photography at high school, TAFE and at the PSC in Melbourne, and travel has always been a part of my life. Though I went to university to pursue a career in communications, I have actively continued to learn and try and incorporate photography into my work. Winning this competition would be a defining moment for me. It would allow me to purely focus on photography as a career and realise a dream that I have only ever meddled with.
I am very professional, reliable, am often described as a very good listener and would take great advantage of this amazing opportunity. Even just entering this competition has been a buzz and really made me think about how much I would love to be a full-time professional photographer.
My fingers are crossed!
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