17th Jan - 31st Jan
Day 1
So moved to sydney Base Hostel today, this hostel is so much better than the rubbish one in Coogee. Nice beds, A/C, big kitchen, more showers, internet and tv room.
Day 2
Had to go sort out my Medicare card as Ozintro didn't do it. Also went to TAW to start my job finding, applied for 6 jobs.
Day 3
Walked around the Sydney Opera House and Circular Quay, amazing day out in the sun.
Day 4
Sydney Wildlife World and Australian National Maritime Museum today. A good day great pictures as well. Wish i could have taken in all the info from the display about the childern that had been sent to oz. Never know that happened.
Day 5
Today was a really long walk to the Powerhouse Museum with some really nice frozen Coke, never knew they made it, its amazing. Learnt a lot and saw even more.
Day 6 and Day 7
Had a few days off to chill out and sleep but have booked up for my trip to Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide and Alice Springs. Hostel for Canberra booked.
Day 8
Amazing day in the Hyde Park Barracks. Learnt all about the convicts that came to Australia and where and how they lived. Also found out that there was a William Hibberd that came here and want to find out if i have family from him or not.
Day 9
Another day around the Circular Quay area, saw a few different places but nothing to interesting.
Day 10
Australia Day today but also the day i leave Base Hostel and move to Jackaroo Hostel in the Kings Cross area of Sydney. Hostel is really nice but the area is bad. Only 5 nights to go till i leave Sydney. Once i had checked in i went to Darling Harbour to watch the Australia Day goings on. The high light was the firework display which went on for half an hour. Set to music and the best i have ever seen.
Day 11
First stop this morning was the Justice and Police Museum, Sydney had some bad police in the 1950 till 1980s naughty men killing each other and running the city with a iron fist. The NSW Governrment House was ok but not open to look around, the gardens were nice but very strange to be able to just walk around the gardens with no police or gaurds noone around the gate was wide open and people just sat on the lawns eating there lunch, all this with the Governor of NSW in the house.
Day 12
Went back to Coogee to collect the memory stick I left in the Ozintro office.
Day 13
Not much to report went out did a bit of shopping, walked around the streets, nice calm day had.
Day 14
Taronga Zoo is so big but being on a hill is a bit of a work out in the middle of summer. Lots of things to see. Very tired, am going to sleep well tonight.
Day 15
The big move to Canberra.