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Rheana's Travels


USA | Monday, 13 Sep 2010 | Views [402] | Comments [1]

So Jamie and I have had a crazy three days… on an AFRICAN SAFARI. It still hasn’t sunk in completely, but I know that it’s another thing I can check off of my bucket list (for those who don’t know, a “bucket list” is the list of things you ... Read more >

Photos: The village of Sipi and the countryside

USA | Monday, 6 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Sipi Falls

USA | Monday, 6 Sep 2010 | Views [329]

Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ... Read more >

Photos: Sipi Falls

USA | Sunday, 5 Sep 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Redeemer Home

USA | Wednesday, 1 Sep 2010 | Views [338]

I don't know the best way to address what happened with my grandpa on this blog, other than to just be blunt. Unfortunately he died this past Friday. The family viewing was last night and the memorial service is today. It's hard to not be there, but ... Read more >

quick update

USA | Saturday, 28 Aug 2010 | Views [299]

Today Jamie and I went with some of the nurses from the clinic down the road a little to a very poor neighborhood (I've seen enough here to know it is not the slums, but from an American point of view it is very close). We brought with us vitamin A (which ... Read more >

Photos: Uganda part 2

UGANDA | Thursday, 26 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Experiences from the clinic

USA | Thursday, 26 Aug 2010 | Views [224]

For those who don't know Jamie and I have been volunteering at a clinic while in Uganda. Mondays are child immunization days, Tuesdays are prenatal days, and Wednesdays are HIV clinic days. Here's an update on whats been happening there. On Tuesday ... Read more >

Random thoughts

USA | Thursday, 26 Aug 2010 | Views [258]

Here are some random thoughts that I've collected since arriving here. I'm sure I'm forgetting some so be prepared for a part 2 at some point... The tp is green… and you have to carry it with you cause there’s no guarantee it’ll be in the ... Read more >

Photos: RAFTING!!!!

UGANDA | Thursday, 19 Aug 2010 | Photo Gallery

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Probably the best rafting in the world

USA | Thursday, 19 Aug 2010 | Views [578] | Comments [1]

I wouldn’t have guessed it’d be so hard for me write this blog, but I’m having a hard time describing our past two days. I’ll try to keep it short. (oh... and the guides all wear shirts that say "Nile River Explorers... probably the best rafting in ... Read more >

The last four days

USA | Tuesday, 17 Aug 2010 | Views [519] | Comments [1]

Lets see, what have we been up to the past couple days? On Saturday we were planning on going out to the baby home (from now on I’m going to call it NBH for Nsambia Baby’s Home), but we both woke up feeling sick. It makes sense that our bodies ... Read more >

Night and day

USA | Thursday, 12 Aug 2010 | Views [347] | Comments [1]

I’ve never really been that much into writing a journal. I don’t have the patience or dedication to write down what’s going on in my life, especially on a regular basis. That’s one reason why I like having a blog and feeling like I should share ... Read more >

hard day

USA | Thursday, 12 Aug 2010 | Views [299]

The goal was to send this yesterday, but I didn't make it before the rain storm cause our internet to fail... Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONE ... Read more >

First weekend

USA | Monday, 9 Aug 2010 | Views [330] | Comments [1]

First off, I wanna say sorry for the fact that all the pictures are out of order. I uploaded pictures from both of our cameras, and didn’t take the time to put them in chronological order. Then I’ll start with several pieces of good news.... Read more >

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