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Going East Travling, Living, and Working in China


There are [0] photos and [2] stories tagged with "pre-departure".

Well - At Least Mattresses Are Soft

USA | Friday, 17 Jul 2009 | Views [488] | Comments [2]

So this past week has been pretty stressful.  Moving out of my apartment has been a pain, mainly because I have so much stuff to move out and such a long distance to travel with it.  In addition, I need to make sure that I don't accidentally pack something ... Read more >

Tags: pre-departure

SO! Here's the Earth, chilling...

USA | Wednesday, 8 Jul 2009 | Views [349]

Okay, so, this isn't at all what I wanted to do stylistically with my blog for a year.  This blog host was my last resort, my final lifeline, my backup plan to end all backup plans, the last place I wanted to turn to.  I mean, this blog is hosted by ... Read more >

Tags: introduction, pre-departure

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