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Going East Travling, Living, and Working in China

I guess I'm a local celebrity, kind've like in Ann Arbor

CHINA | Friday, 25 Sep 2009 | Views [684]

http://bbs.ly.ha.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardid=29&id=2118079&page=2&star=1 Copy and paste this link into your web browser. Apparently some dude took a photo of me when I was outside of the french grocery store.   The captions are translated as ... Read more >

Tags: daily life

Okay, It needs to be said...

CHINA | Monday, 31 Aug 2009 | Views [726] | Comments [2]

...that taxi drivers here are definitely not hired to be knowledgeable about the city and to take you to a destination.  I would equate taxi drivers here with people who are hired because they  can  drive.  Not because they know where they're going, ... Read more >

Tags: daily life

Back to Work Again

CHINA | Tuesday, 11 Aug 2009 | Views [579] | Comments [1]

Back to work again. Break was relatively boring.  I don't really know too many people around here other than Ming's girlfriend and her friends, and most my coworkers were busy all of vacation touring their families around China.  This basically left ... Read more >

Tags: daily life

Longmen Grottos

CHINA | Thursday, 6 Aug 2009 | Views [476] | Comments [1] | Video

Okay, so this video was prepared because I didn't want to make this video a year long project.  Its not super good quality, but you'll get to see where I went. 


CHINA | Thursday, 6 Aug 2009 | Views [368]

I'm never recording in 24p again. I'm working on the video it will be up hopefully today. Final Cut is a pain, and iMovie sucks.

Longmen Grottos

CHINA | Wednesday, 5 Aug 2009 | Views [929] | Comments [2]

"An invaluable Unesco World Heritage site, the ravaged grottoes at Longmen constitute one of China ’s few surviving masterpieces of Buddhist rock carving. A sutra in stone, the epic achievement of the Longmen Caves was first undertaken by chisellers ... Read more >

Tags: trips

Gallery: Longmen Grottos

CHINA | Wednesday, 5 Aug 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 103 photos >>

Video: Foods and Currency

CHINA | Monday, 3 Aug 2009 | Views [604] | Comments [1] | Video

Video #2 of my apartment w/ foods and currency. 

Tags: video

Teaching, Chinese Classes, Plans, and Break

CHINA | Monday, 3 Aug 2009 | Views [748]

Yes, I'm still updating my blog.  This entry is actually rather long to make up for new experiences and information that I simply haven't gotten around to documenting. I have been pretty busy for the past few days.  M-F: I have Chinese class [in which ... Read more >

Tags: daily life, pedagogy

Gallery: Shopping in Luoyang

CHINA | Sunday, 26 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 28 photos >>

Tim's Birthday, Shopping, and Eating

CHINA | Sunday, 26 Jul 2009 | Views [699]

Teaching doesn't start until Friday. Photos: Around luoyang has been updated and Shopping in Luoyang has been added. Shopping in Luoyang is a pretty familiar experience.  And when I say that, I mean that I did my shopping in the friendly neighborhood ... Read more >

Tags: daily life

Gallery: Around Luoyang

CHINA | Friday, 24 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Pretty self explanatory
See all 38 photos >>

Video: Apartment

CHINA | Thursday, 23 Jul 2009 | Views [541] | Comments [2] | Video

Low quality video of me showing you around my apt.  

Gallery: Chinglish

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Erm, nice try.
See all 5 photos >>

1st Day

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Jul 2009 | Views [565] | Comments [1]

I woke up at 7:40 this morning to a pounding on my door.  I'd forgotten that Tim, husband of another teacher, had invited me out to breakfast this morning.  I got up, showered, and was down at his place at 8.  Instead of heading to breakfast, we ended ... Read more >

Tags: daily life

Gallery: My Apartment

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

The apartment that my job is furnishing me with.
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I'm here!

CHINA | Wednesday, 22 Jul 2009 | Views [460]

The flight to China was absurd. It was about 20-22 hours of flying and layovers. Approximately 1.5-2 hours from Detroit to Toronto, 13.5-15 hrs to Beijing, and approximately 1.5 to Luoyang. There was about a 2 hour layover at every airport, so ... Read more >

Tags: arrival

Well - At Least Mattresses Are Soft

USA | Friday, 17 Jul 2009 | Views [480] | Comments [2]

So this past week has been pretty stressful.  Moving out of my apartment has been a pain, mainly because I have so much stuff to move out and such a long distance to travel with it.  In addition, I need to make sure that I don't accidentally pack something ... Read more >

Tags: pre-departure


USA | Saturday, 11 Jul 2009 | Views [934]

So, last day at work.  Flight leaves in just over a week.  I think I'm pretty much as ready as I'm ever going to be.  I just got a really nice HI-Def video camera for taking footage when I get there.  Its incredibly small, and my mac should be sufficient ... Read more >

Gallery: The Land of Mutardia

USA | Wednesday, 8 Jul 2009 | Photo Gallery

Work Shots
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