We made it! We took a 1 1/2 hr taxi ride, then a night train ride to Aguas Calliente in preparation for the big event. Babadaba.
Usually you get accustomed to smells and tend not to notice them after a while, but we stayed in a hostel that smelt worse and worse as the night wore on. When we first arrived it smelt really musty and damp, the air was a bit thick, then we started to smell urine which got stronger and stronger to the point that we had to take sleeping pills to knock ourselves out phewwww.
We got up at 5am (actually the wees woke us up) and lined up with hundreds of other tourists to board the buses up to Machu Pichu. We weaved up the mountain in the dawn light wondering whether it would be overrated or worth its accolades.
When we arrived at the village, we were in the clouds and could not see a thing for 2 hours so Steve decided to sleep at Machu Picchu - I don´t know if that was the best use of our money, however the clouds slowly parted and we let out a little gasp as the Inca village appeared before us. It was magical and definately not overrated.
We spent about 7 hours exploring the village and its surroundings. It took our breath away, set so high up in the clouds with beautiful mountain hills all around it.
Glad we persevered...is something we will always remember.... good old MP