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Thailand, India and beyond.... Cronicas de un duende nomada en busqueda de los tesoros del oriente... Namaste ! Journal of a nomadic elf in search of the secrets of the Orient.... Namaste !

Gallery: Rajasthan

THAILAND | Wednesday, 22 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

Desert Adventures
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Around Mount Arunachala

INDIA | Sunday, 1 Feb 2009 | Views [1848]

I arrived to India on the 12th of December, el dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe in Mexico, my home country. On this day hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from all of Mexico make it to the shrine of the Guadalupe in what is probably the most importat pilgrim ... Read more >

Tags: arunachala, india, shiva, tamil nadu, tiruvannamalai

Exploring Ankor Wat....

CAMBODIA | Saturday, 31 Jan 2009 | Views [769]

I did not write something on Cambodia and the temple of Ankor Wat. As you can see I am not a very inspired writer, I am more into the photos but I found a good article on Ankor Wat by accident and I think it illustrates very well what it is like so I ... Read more >

Tags: ankor wat, cambodia, siam reap

Gallery: Tiruvannamalai

INDIA | Saturday, 20 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

Deepam Festival of Shiva
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Back in Bangkok...

THAILAND | Thursday, 11 Dec 2008 | Views [552]

Yes, I am back in this crazy city and yes, now my journal has changed languages from Spanish to English. I was actually suposed to leave for India on Monday but because of all of the Airport caos (the airport in Bangkok was taken over by demonstrator ... Read more >

Tags: bangkok, thailand

Gallery: Secrets of Ankor Wat

CAMBODIA | Wednesday, 10 Dec 2008 | Photo Gallery

Secretos de Ankor Wat
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Gallery: Mae Salong, Golden Triangle and the Mekong River...

THAILAND | Sunday, 23 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

El Triangulo Dorado
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Gallery: Buddhas, Temples and Orange robes...

THAILAND | Sunday, 23 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

Buddha is everywhere I look...
See all 38 photos >>

Loi Kraton Festival - Chiang Mai

THAILAND | Sunday, 23 Nov 2008 | Views [1366]

El 11 de Noviembre pasado tome el autobus desde Chiang Kong, pueblo en el norte de Thailandia del otro lado del rio Mekong de Laos, hasta Chiang Mae para pasar el famoso festival de Loi Kratong que duraria los proximos dias. El Festival de Loi Kratong ... Read more >

Un pueblito llamado Mae Salong .....

THAILAND | Thursday, 13 Nov 2008 | Views [712] | Comments [1]

El pequenio pueblito de Mae Salong esta situado en las montanias de  Doi Mae Salong en la provincia de Chiang Rai en la parte mas al norte de Thailandia cerca de la frontera con Myanmar. Es un area llena de bosques y de un clima mas frio que ... Read more >

Northern Hill Tribes

THAILAND | Thursday, 13 Nov 2008 | Views [896] | Comments [2]

Despues de algunos dias en Bangkok tome el tren directamente hasta el norte del pais a la Ciudad de Chiang Mai. Dea ahi un autobus a la region mas al norte que tiene frontera con Myanmar y Laos Tambien conocida como el Golden Triangle o Triangulo Dorado ... Read more >

Tags: akha, golden triangle, hill tribes, thailand

Llegue a Thailandia - I have arrived toThailand....

THAILAND | Thursday, 13 Nov 2008 | Views [724] | Comments [3]

Despues de 20 horas de vuelo y 8 de escala llegue !

Gallery: Hill Tribes of Northern Thailand

THAILAND | Tuesday, 11 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 46 photos >>

Gallery: Thailand- Land of the Golden Buddhas

THAILAND | Tuesday, 11 Nov 2008 | Photo Gallery

See all 5 photos >>