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There are [71] photos and [9] stories about Guatemala

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Xela and Volunteering with the Mayan Stove Project

Saturday, 4 Apr 2009 | Views [3021]

After surviving our chicken bus challenges (I now see why most tourists travel by private microbus in Guatemala – its still pretty manic, but its this side of hair-raising) we arrived in Quetzaltenango, or Xela (pronounced ´Shela´) in Quiché Mayan.... Read more >

Tags: fuertas georginas, mayan stove project, quetzaltenango, xela

Chicken Bus Challenge

Friday, 3 Apr 2009 | Views [4978] | Comments [1]

Missing the direct bus from Chichicastenango to Quetzaltenango (Xela), in the west of the country, we instead got a chicken bus to the junction with the InterAmericana at Los Encuentros. We were ushered onto a chicken bus by the youthful, ... Read more >

Tags: mad guatemalan bus drivers, near death experiences

Lago Atitlan - check out the vibes, man.

Friday, 3 Apr 2009 | Views [1927]

After surviving Pacaya, we booked a tourist microvan to Panajachel on the shores of Lago Atitlan.  A thankfully uneventful journey, although I did marvel at the way that the Guatamalans appeared to be in the process of blasting away a good proportion ... Read more >

Tags: chichicastenango, lago atitlan, panajachel, san marcos, san pedro

Gallery: Guatemala - Xela and Stove Project

Friday, 3 Apr 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Antigua, Pacaya, and the herd of ponderous donkeys

Wednesday, 1 Apr 2009 | Views [2432]

Another tourist micro bus, another long journey south to Antigua.   This time the bad road bit was at the start, so we were able to enjoy the fantastic views whilst not minding the banging around.   Our driver was of the ´there´s no speed except ... Read more >

Tags: antigua, bad trades, colonial architechture, volcan pacaya

Tikal and the Guatemalan Suicide Dogs

Tuesday, 31 Mar 2009 | Views [2442]

We left Chetumal and got a long-distance bus going straight to Flores, Guatemala.   This involved heading down through northern Belize again to Belize City, and then across to San Ignacio and over the border.   We drove through the Peten basin ... Read more >

Tags: flores, languin, semuc champey, suicide dogs, tikal

Gallery: Guatemala - Lago Atitlan

Friday, 27 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

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Gallery: Guatemala - Antigua

Friday, 27 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 30 photos >>

Gallery: Guatemala - Tikal and Semuc Champey

Thursday, 26 Mar 2009 | Photo Gallery

See all 19 photos >>

About rachel_and_daniel

Argh!  Well, maybe not pirates this time, but dig the colour-coordinated bandanas!

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