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There are [0] photos and [7] stories tagged with "pushmorphine".

The Marble City

TURKMENISTAN | Sunday, 1 Jun 2008 | Views [966]

It took us almost two days to get from Turkmenbashi to Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan. The road was the worst we had been on yet, at some points we had to creep along at about 20 kph. We had a welcome break halfway through the second day when ... Read more >

Tags: ashgabat, overland trip, pushmorphine, silk road, sunshine bus, turkmenistan

Stranded on the Caspian

TURKMENISTAN | Sunday, 1 Jun 2008 | Views [819] | Comments [1]

Let me start by saying this. If you are going from Azerbaijan to Turkmenistan do not take the Caspian Sea Ferry. Fly, drive through Iran, go up through Russia if you have to but for the love of god avoid the ferry. These ferrys make the cross channel ... Read more >

Tags: caspian sea ferry, overland trip, pushmorphine, silk road, sunshine bus, turkmenistan


AZERBAIJAN | Friday, 30 May 2008 | Views [657]

    It was a long, slow drive from Saki to Baku and we finally arrived late afternoon on Monday 12th May.  Baku is a city going through its second oil boom and it certainly looks the part.  New high rises are being built as fast as they can find the ... Read more >

Tags: azerbaijan, baku, overland trip, pushmorphine, sunshine bus

Crossing into Azerbaijan

AZERBAIJAN | Friday, 30 May 2008 | Views [882] | Comments [1]

    As we left Tbilisi I got my first taste of life on the truck.  It is a converted refrigeration truck painted bright yellow.  Sue, group leader, and George, driver, sit in the cab and take turns driving while the rest of us sit in the back or the ... Read more >

Tags: azerbaijan, overland trip, pushmorphine, saki, sunshine bus

Tbilisi (Day 2-4)

GEORGIA | Friday, 16 May 2008 | Views [756]

My plan was to spend my first full day in Tbilisi going up the Mount and then down through the Botanical Gardens into the Old City.  Nature, however, was not being very cooperative.  Not only was it still pouring but the all the surrounding hills were blanketed ... Read more >

Tags: overland trip, pushmorphine, silk road, sunshine bus, tbilisi

Tbilisi (Day 1)

GEORGIA | Tuesday, 6 May 2008 | Views [858] | Comments [1]

"You have a George Bush St?"  "Yes, Tbilisi, my city...is paradox,"  replied my driver as we careened through the rain pelted streets.  I was going to ask him to expand on the point but unfortunetely his English was only slightly ... Read more >

Tags: overland trip, pushmorphine, silk road, sunshine bus, tbilisi

The 'bul

TURKEY | Monday, 5 May 2008 | Views [1241] | Comments [2]

Istanbul, the gateway to Asia and also the first stop on my grand adventure from Turkey all the way to New Zealand. My friend Mehmet's father, Mustafa, picked me up from the airport and drove me through the city to their beautiful apartment ... Read more >

Tags: istanbul, pushmorphine

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