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Porky and Buckwheat World Tour!

The Trashbags finally abort the UK - and this time its for good!

ITALY | Thursday, 9 April 2009 | Views [603] | Comments [1]

Well the day has finally arrived!!!The trashbags are offically leaving the UK! well......... there was a slight eliment of doubt there for a moment.... but luckly.... Blue powerade once again saved the day! we had of course, had a MASSIVE night the night before.... some might say our 6th farewell..... some have just simply stopped counting! but sore heads and all, we left barrowgate and headed towards the train Bound for Gatwick Airport!

At the airport, we must of looked slightly 'dodgy' we both had our bags stripped out on the table. Nik had only just got back from Egypt and didnt have the chance to do her washing.... unfortunatly she was carrying all her dirty undies in her bag. not the proudest moment when the UK customs official was swifting through Niks dirty knickers! On the other table, Hol was being questioned about her excess Liquid! apparently 2 x tubes of Vegemite was over my liquid limit! after begging with him not to take it, and trying to tell him how precious it was, he told me to buy some Marmite, and left before i could think of something to say back... get some marmite??? clearly he is not an aussie..... F%$*Ker!

We had not seen each other for about 1 month.... so LOTS to catch up on!..... despite the pain Hol was still feeling.... Nik chatted away excitedly talking about Perth and Eqypt....................Hol took 2 x Nurophen and tried to be as cherpy as possible! hehe

Damn Nikky for not getting hangovers!

Arrived at our hostel, which was a 12 bed mixed - Honestly the best hotel ever!!! their is a section called the Chapel....which at first we were a little concerned about.... turns out it was one of those loosly used terms like 'the church'.. on Sunday...... so more or less a place to get completely wasted! and anyone want to guess what happened that night??? YEP..... the trashies hit the bar and took advantage of the1 Euro Beers and 4 Euro bottles of Vino! Not sure they considered that porks and Buck would be visiting the hostel for 3 nights when they decided on that price. 2 bottles later, we had 1/2 the hostel around our table playing thumpers! By that stage, we had made 20 new mates......and remembering names was absolutly inconceavable....... so we decided to nikname everyone....... Regan was REGGIE!! Brendon was B, Lynmarie was Linny, Veronica was V.... Lisa was Lee..... and i think you guys get the picture! bascially.... if we couldnt think of a cool name, we just called them by their first letter.... and then of course... there was Porky and Buckwheat..... (amongst others). We even managed to drag of of the 48 year old room mates who 'doenst drink' down for a drink!

We were having such a great time, playing drinking games, Nik running behind the bar.... (as she does) and also teaching B to do the swinging monkey!

after things started to get a bit roudy.... B challenged Nik to drink a 3rd bottle of wine....... Holly begged B NOT to EVER challenge her to do anything.... as there is no doubt in hell she would do it! people didnt beleive it..... we told them so! off she trotts to the bar to purchased the 3rd bottle...... and down it goes! 3am hit, and we thought if we were going to see Nice aside from the hostel bar.... we might like to hit the sack! In London, our nights usually end in some sort of Injury......WHY would Nice be any different??? so as we headed up the stairs and Nik decided to jump on Porky's back.... and both go tumbling down! Niks wacks her head on the stairs..... and next minute their is a lump on her Head the size of her Tits! Hol ran down the stairs to get some ice from the bar to put on her head, and upon my return, find Nik vomiting in the sink!... she never could handly the Vino!!! especially not 3 bottles...... next time though, hopefully nik will remember to pull the plug in the sink first so hol, being the very best mate that she is, doesnt have to sift through her vomit to pull the plug!!! but hey? what are friends for?

we layed in the hall of the hostel laughing for about 1/2 an hour, while Porky was resting Ice on Bucks Big Head. after the 5th person came out of their rooms and told us to shhhhhhhh can you guys please be quite... and after we thought we had responded suffiently enough with SHUUTTTT ITTT yourself F%$%ER!S!!!! we decided to call it a night. Bucks would not shut her mouth.... when we went into the room, she opened the window and was trying to entice the Hostel Cat into our room! Porky and Buck Passed out, both in the bottem bunk, Porks with one hand holding ice on the head, and one hand gaging her!

Its barely any surprise that we woke up the next morning, still wearing the clothes from the night before, spooning each other in the bottom bunk, that we found that 1/2 the dorm had already checked out!

and we after carrying our back packs for 1 day we decedied to culled them , nik took 18 pairs of undies out , as we decieded she wouldn'[t need 28 pais on tour, also throw our a second electric tooth brush and charger, nik found a cat on her bed.

The next day, was TOUGH! but a berocca later and we were determined to see Nice as planned. 1st stop was at the chemist, cause Hol had a bit of an Itch...from being on a repeated course of anti biotics! it was a Hilarious and at the same time embarassing experience trying to describe to the French lady behind the couter..... the 'problem' as she decided to attempt to communicate in manner of 'sherades'... with the actions basically considing of her stratching her Vage! and saying,,, internal?? external???

Hol was sooooo emabaraseed..... we got the cream, and walked out laughing in stiches! I am sure that her made day!


After the embassment wore off we headed to Ezy Village and then onto Monte Carlo..... the highlight here was us Posing infront of several statues in the parks. (see facebook pictures of Nice for further details)... had a fun day!

On the way home on the train... we were talking and laughing, and porks told Buck something that made her laugh so hard that she literally spat her mouth full of water on a posh elderly french lady! time to abort the train! in fact.... almost time to to abort the country.

Next stop = Cinqua Terra.

BSN of the day = Nikky turns to Holly and says thats going to cost a shit load to call that toll free number? hello toll free?

BSH= Holly turns to Nikky and says it would suck if that bird fell off that water fall, we all know birds have wings right?



sounds like lot of fun,please be alittle more responsible with the drink. EGGS on head not good even if it is easter. loving you both.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  mummy Apr 11, 2009 6:27 PM

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