Hi all! Just a quickie as I have to run for yet another nightbus in a tick..
Let´s see. We´ve viewed the magnificent Iguacu falls from every which direction... we crossed from Uruguay to Argentina to Brazil in the space of a few hours and I didn´t know what currency or language to use... I was in a real muddle, that´s for sure. Portugese, or I as I have been corrected, Brazillian, sounds really nice but I wonder that I am capable of even making any of the correct sounds and I am lost - do I speak English or Spanish as a second choice? I´m getting quieter and quieter the further we travel!
Right... so in Brazil, we went to see the falls... then the group went to Paraguay... and then today, Monday, we went to Argentina again but this time to see the falls. My poor little emergency passport is bursting with stamps already and I have at least 6 more stamps to go. I didn´t make it to Paraguay though... my little cold that was recovering took a nosedive and I visted the local hospital for a medical-cultural experience. It was interesting. I shared the triage room with a baby and a feverish boy and a male nurse took our temps and BPs all at once! They gave me an anti-inflammatory (sp) concoction via IV then prescribed me some antibiotics etc... Am feeling better already!
I´ve been advised that this site will be restricting photos soon to 500 so I might be uploading the next lot of photos elsewhere... when I do I will advise but I got many excellent shots of falls today and Saturday.
It is a little more pricey here than Uruguay, but less so than Chile.
Anyways, best run for my night bus.
Ciao people!