Wonderings of a Wanderer
eandering through foreign lands,
whose people speak in tongues unknown...
I seek to learn and understand
cultures, customs not my own…
I yearn to learn, to see, expand,
my knowledge as I wander, roam…
To visit places, see first-hand
the lands tha
About pistachio_tumbleweed

Townsville skies... manipulated
The traveling started at a young age: PNG, Fiji, Europe & Australia in my first few years of life. But then nothing much until I turned 15 and had the good fortune to participate in a student exchange to Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Instantly I was ruined. Upon return, life seemed so bland in country Victoria. Beautiful but... different. Infatuated with Indonesia how could I stay away? After completing high school in Australia I returned to Indonesia… so different yet still so much the same. But soon I tired of being so conspicuous… always sticking out in the crowd. I missed home. I missed space. I missed gum trees. Back in Australia I realised I'd hardly ventured out into my own backyard… I’d only explored Victoria… and so off to Canberra I went to visit.. and then to live in Tom Price, WA… To walk all day through red earth and not see a single soul... to experience the Karijini gorges... and the wide expanse of sky. From there I went to Sydney then cycled down to Hobart… then whizzed up to Darwin… then back to Tom Price… with a quick trip to beautiful New Zealand... (2 weeks is not long enough!) and then to Townsville, QLD… where miraculously I managed to stay for almost 5 years. But restless… I feel drawn again to journey… to learn, challenge and experience life from a different perspective. To meet people, eat new foods… learn new languages. South America is calling…
Where I've been
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