Yes... Merryn has attempted Santiago Metro and yes, survived! I departed for my grand adventure, aware I hadn´t attempted non-buslike city public transport in a Very Long Time (didn´t see any trams). But my goal was sure... another chiropractic appointment and it was much more successful than the one in Lima. Actually, the chiro said that I needed crunching (my word, not his) like a towel needs wringing.... anyway, I feel much more... in alignment just now and pleased I survived the metro. It actually seems to be a very good system here. The roads function well... the trains are all very fast and frequent... but there are always hundreds of people everywhere.
I´m still enjoying Santiago... tomorrow, Tues the 8th I think (holiday mode) we leave on a nightbus south... maybe some more time for exploring.
We met some of our new group already today, offical meeting tonight. People have already left our group... yes, farewell Sean and Benoit... (they managed to slip away without goodbyes!). We have three young males from England... they are only with us until Bueons Airies... so a fornight only really. Some Canadians... some Americans... another girl from the UK...
Been getting into my tuna of late, back to the tunatarian days.
Time for more farewells...