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There are [0] photos and [25] stories tagged with "Adventures".

Day #25 (10-Apr-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 11 Apr 2007 | Views [623] | Comments [1]

Day #25 Breakfast (See day #21 for Breakfast description ;) Plane We check-out and then get a taxi to L Da Vinci Airport. We got to the Aiport at about 9:00am but our plane is not until 11:55am. I have learnt my lesson after Gatwick and we get here ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #24 (9-Apr-2007)

ITALY | Wednesday, 11 Apr 2007 | Views [718] | Comments [2]

Day #24 Breakfast (See day #21 for Breakfast description ;) Train After breakfast we got a train from Cornelia to Termini. We planned to see the maximum number of monuments today. We got off the train station and went to the bus statoin to get the ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #23 (8-Apr-2007)

ITALY | Tuesday, 10 Apr 2007 | Views [441]

  Day #23   Breakfast   (See day #21 for Breakfast description ;)   Again, no hot food.   It seems the standard offer is salami and cheese pieces, cereal, and assorted breads.   Tea, coffee, juice, "Acqua Minerale" are all offered. ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #22 (7-Apr-2007)

ITALY | Tuesday, 10 Apr 2007 | Views [893] | Comments [1]

  Day #22   Breakfast   (See day #21 for Breakfast description ;)   Train   The train is getting quite easy for us now, especially as we are becoming comfortable with words.   I have decided that foreign languages are like a massive influx of ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #21 (6-Apr-2007)

ITALY | Tuesday, 10 Apr 2007 | Views [776]

  Day #21   Breakfast   Breakfast was a cereals with some cold ham and cheese (the guide says that breakfast isn't a big event for Italians and to not expect a hot breakfast).   After all the hot breakfasts, I enjoyed something simple anyway.   ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day 20 (5-Apr-2007)

ITALY | Saturday, 7 Apr 2007 | Views [655] | Comments [1]

Day #20             Breakfast             At first we thought that we were only entitled to cold buffet here so when we saw the all the hot food we tried to ask the waitress what we were allowed to and not allowed to ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day 19 (4-Apr-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Saturday, 7 Apr 2007 | Views [400]

      Day #19             This was a fairly uneventful day.   We got a train from Rye to Oxford, changing at London.   We got a taxi to our Hotel (Hawkeworth Hotel(?)).   We paid 50 pounds per night for it so I was expecting very ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #18 (3-Apr-2004)

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 5 Apr 2007 | Views [554]

  Day #18   We woke up to the best breakfast (9am) that I have had so far in England (it was still a Full English Breakfast - standard menu in B&Bs in this country).   Then we set off to our next tourist stop - the Laundromat.   During that time ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #17 (2-Apr-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Thursday, 5 Apr 2007 | Views [615]

Day #17    Train We got a taxi from our guest house at Haworth to Keighley station, then a train to London.   We arrived at Paddington Station, and we realized that we had to go to Charing Cross to get the next train to Hastings (one of the weaknesses ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #16 (1-Apr-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 2 Apr 2007 | Views [750] | Comments [2]

  Day #16   Breakfast   Oops! We woke up too late for our "free" breakfast (part of the room charge).   These (st/d)ody British wouldn’t give us a discount in a fit.   When we mentioned that the clock they provided wasn’t set for summer ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #15 (31-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 2 Apr 2007 | Views [610] | Comments [1]

  Day #15   Walk around York   This hotel does not server breakfast which makes things easier for us.   We get up late   and starting exploring York.    We first go to the Post Office to unload.   While there the public phone box inside rings ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #14 (30-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 2 Apr 2007 | Views [511]

  Day #14   Breakfast Breakfast at this place was just a continental breakfast, in fact it was mini-packets of cereal that you opened yourself.   They did however make tea + toast for us so it wasn’t too bad.   We were in rush to get the 9:26am train ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #13 (29-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 30 Mar 2007 | Views [482]

  Day #13   Breakfast We woke up and went down to the Dining Room for breakfast.   It was a nice affair and we had the usual bacon+sausages+eggs+baked beans+tomato (it is just starting to get a little boring now).     Amy decided to indulge and ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #12 (28-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 30 Mar 2007 | Views [528] | Comments [2]

Day #12 (28-Mar-2007) Leaving St Buryans We got up early (5:30am) because our train was leaving Truro for Bath at 8:26am.  Amy cooked scrambled eggs for breakfast (the best I have tasted so far in England - I have eaten quite a bit of it - I am ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #11 (27-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Friday, 30 Mar 2007 | Views [517]

Day #11 After the disturbed nights sleep we wake up at about 9am reasonably refreshed.  Because we had to self-cater for breakfast (holiday speak for "made it ourselves" ;)  we just had some toast and then hit the road looking for castles.... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #10 (26-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Wednesday, 28 Mar 2007 | Views [563] | Comments [1]

Day #10 Leaving Mousehole It is a shame to have to leave this place so soon, It was a really nice place to stay at.  I think it is good to move around though when on holidays because we were starting to get used to being at this place and once that ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #9 (25-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 26 Mar 2007 | Views [526] | Comments [1]

Day #9 We had breakfast at the Pilchard Press again,   We get all the local gossip off the guy who works there, who is friendly (and also worldly having already toured Australia).   We enlightened him on the Aus-NZ rivalry (he was already aware ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #8 (24-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Monday, 26 Mar 2007 | Views [519]

Day #8 Breakfast We had breakfast at a place 2 doors down from us called the "Pilchard Press".   Shops here (and in London too) are in buildings that look the same as the residences.   So if you took the signs off them, you wouldn’t ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #7 (23-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 25 Mar 2007 | Views [581] | Comments [1]

Day #7 Leaving Islington Time to up and move again.   This is the downside of travelling, having to drag suitcases around.   Amy's suitcase weighs nearly 30kg and I have had to carry that up several flights of stairs at various times (expect ... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

Day #6 (22-Mar-2007)

UNITED KINGDOM | Sunday, 25 Mar 2007 | Views [557] | Comments [1]

Day #6 Woke up at about 6am and ready for breakfast at the refectory (or whatever they call it).   They have rules here about how many things you can for breakfast (6 serves total, up to 2 serves per item).   This is a typical university "... Read more >

Tags: Adventures

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